Vintage Recipes and Remedies

Please note that I have included all of the words that I am able to read and I have used the spelling and abbreviations that were used in the original notebooks and loose inserts. For completeness I have included recipes (receipts) even if they are only partial due to water damage etc. The list is in the order that the recipes etc. appear in the books or if loose as they were found. All other notebooks and loose papers have now been transcribed but need to be checked & corrected. Lambe Family Recipe Books and Loose Papers. Introduction Handwritten books and other loose pages, representing the collected Recipes & Remedies of successive members of the Lambe family, have been donated to Seaford Museum. These represent, probably, a period of some 200 years from mid/late 18th Century to 1953. The Lambe family were associated with East Blatchington from, at least, 1850 when they moved to Blatchington Farm. Robert Lambe bought the Blatchi...