Vintage Recipes and Remedies

Please note that I have included all of the words that I am able to read and I have used the spelling and abbreviations that were used in the original notebooks and loose inserts. For completeness I have included recipes (receipts) even if they are only partial due to water damage etc. The list is in the order that the recipes etc. appear in the books or if loose as they were found. 

All other notebooks and loose papers have now been transcribed but need to be checked & corrected.

Lambe Family Recipe Books and Loose Papers.

  Handwritten books and other loose pages, representing the collected Recipes & Remedies of successive members of the Lambe family, have been donated to Seaford Museum. These represent, probably, a period of some 200 years from mid/late 18th Century to 1953.
   The Lambe family were associated with East Blatchington from, at least, 1850 when they moved to Blatchington Farm. Robert Lambe bought the Blatchington Estate in 1877 and the family once lived at Blatchington Court. 
  As far as possible, the original spelling and style of writing has been retained.  Examples of original handwriting can be seen below.
For clarity (and due to software limitations) some changes have been necessary:
·                 I have used underlining to indicate words which are only partially visible (due to water damage) or for words for where the meaning is not known (to me) or because the handwriting is not legible.
·                  I have  used x or xxx to show letters or words that are not legible.
·                 A small raised ‘d’ is used in words like ‘Sifted’ or the abbreviation ‘Pd’. I have shown these as  ‘Sift’d’ and ‘Pd’ respectively
·                 Little punctuation is used in the original documents. I have used 3 spaces together   to make the transcription easier to read.
·                 A small ‘d’ immediately after a number indicates a pre decimalisation penny (240 to one pound) e.g. 3d equals three old pence.

Also please note some differences to modern English are used in the original documents:
·                 Capital letters are used in the middle of sentences.
·                 The word ‘ye’ is widely used instead of ‘the’ .  The ampersand ‘&’ is used for either ‘and’ or ‘an’.
·                 The spelling and construction of words differ considerably but most of these are easily identified e.g. A bout for about, Almon for Almond, Biskett for Biscuit, Blamchmang for Blancmange, Brake or Broak for Break, Cheas for Cheese, Cullinary or Cullinder for Colander, Currance for Currants, Enought for Enough, Fier for Fire, Flower for Flour, Juce for Juice, Of for Off, Oinions for Onions, Oringe for Orange, Reason for Raisin, Receipt for Recipe, Sive for Sieve, Than for Then, Seedys for Seeds, Strow for Throw,  Togater for Together, Tow for Two, Whit or Wight for White, Wisk for Whisk.   There are many more spelling differences!
I apologise in advance for any errors or omissions that I have added!

   n.b. Remedies and Cures have been printed in Red and shown with an asterisk *. This is as an additional warning that these would not be safe to use.
            Brendon Franks (October 2005)

Recipes & Remedies (Book 1)

1. Mince Pyes  S1
2. Lemon Cheas Cake  S1
3. Icing for a Cake  S1
4. Rice Cake  S1
5. Muffins  S1
6. Potator Starch  S1
7. Purple Water  S1
8. Pickle Hams  S1
9. Mock Asses Milk  S1
10. Hoggs Pudding  S1
11. *for the Rheumatism S1
12. Curd Cheas Cakes  S1
13. Plaine Cake  S1
14. Pickle Red Cabbage  S1
15. Whole Rice Boil’d Pudding  S1
16. Light Biskett  S1
17. Oring Syrup  S1
18. Cream Pancakes  S1
19. Sillibub  S1
20. Calves Feet Jelly  S2
21. Green Pea Soup  S1
22. Shrub  S1
23. Sausage  S1
24. Drop Cakes  S1
25. Rusks  S1
26. Catsup  S1
27. Boil’d Rice Pudding S1
28. Ginger Bread  S1
29. Eggs Mince Pyes  S1
30. Fruit Biscuits  S1
31. Little Plain Cakes  S3
32. Drop Cakes  S3
33. Dutch Blamchmang  S3
34. Apple Pudding  S3
35. Mince Pies  S3
36. *For the Jaundice  S3
37. Ginger Wine  S3
38. English Madeira (1)  S3
39. English Madeira (2)  S4
40. *Remedy for Swelling & Bruises  S4
41. * Part of Remedy  S4
42. Champaigne S5
43. Sausage Meat S5
44. Jelly  S5
45. *Cure for the Cough or Horsness  S5
46. Elderberry Wine S5
47. *Cough and Oppression of Heart  S5
48. Untitled Recipe (Elderberry & Ginger)  S6
49. *Untitled Remedy mostly water damaged  S1

S1 to S6   - Handwriting Styles shown at the bottom of the blog.

* Remedies & Cures

The Recipes & Remedies in this book/blog are for use as a historical record only.

1. Mince Pyes
Five or Six Pd of Tongue & the inside of the Sirloyn of Beef.  half boil it   1 Pd. of the Best Beef Suet,  1 Pd. Of Currents And 2 of Reasons Ston’d  & Shred fine   3 Nutmegs Grat’d & a little Mace beat fine. Salt and a bout 2 Handfulls of Powder Sugar,  the Peal of 3 or 4 Lemons Shred fine   Half a pint of White Wine   a glass or 2 of Brandy  &  2 or 3 Glasses of Good Cyder.

2. Lemon Cheas Cakes
Great of the Peal of one large Lemon & Sques out ye juce of about half,  & add to it a Quarter of a Pd of fine Sugar,  six yolkes of Eggs, 4 whits well Beat   melt a quarter of a Pd of Butter in 3 Spoonfulls of Cream then Ster it all together & Set it over ye fier keeping it stir’d til it is Prity thick   take it of & when Cold fill your Patty Pans a little more than half full a thin Part at the Bottom,  half & hour will Bake them.

3. To Make Icing for a Cake
Take the Whites of five Eggs Whip’d up to a froth & put a Pd of Double refin,d Sugar  Sift a grain of am-grease and three spoonfuls of Orange flower Water Whip’d all the While the Cake is in the Oven.

4. Rice Cake
Take Six ounce of ground rice   put it througth a Linin Sive  Six ounce of the Best flour twelve ounce of fine Sugar Sift’d throught your Sive,  take Nine Eggs & Leave out four Whits   put in a few Carriway Seeds & small Spoonfull of Oringe flower water   Beat altogether with a whisk for three qr of an Hour.  (Also this is list pinned onto the opposite page) “4 xx Rice   2 xx Flour   6 xx Sugar   4 Eggs yolks   2 Whites”)

5. Make Muffins
To one Gallon of Flour take one Pint of yest   Cors Sugar a qr of a pound   one tea Spoon full of Pot-ash   Salt 2 Ounce

6. Potator Starch
Take a pound of Potators rasp them in to 2 Quarts of water Straining them well together   then Pour them all together into a thin Cloth   ring out the water very Dry from the Pulp as you can flinging the Pulp that remains in you Strainer a way: & let ye water Stand a bout ten Minutes than Pour ye water gently off   you will observ your Starch at ye Bottom of your Pan than put more Clean water Stiring it up from ye Bottom will be Extremly White   Don’t Pare them only let them be mash’d   Clean you may Dry it after in the Sun & make it as other Starch.

7. Purple Water
Salt of tarter & Spring water   let it Stand 24 hours than Clear it of & it will be fit for use   a bout half & ounce to a Pint of water.

8. Pickle Hams (Mrs James Lambe)
Take a Ham of twelve Pd   Let it lay a day after it is Cut out then Wash it with a quarter of  a pint of Strong Vinager and Mix with it a quarter of Pd of Course Sugar,   the Next Morning Sprinkle it with half & ounce of Salt Peter & at Night put ten Handfulls of Bay Salt upon the Leen part of the Ham   Let it Lay in a Earthen pan Becaus of the Small Quanty of Pickle   Bast it every Day for twelve Days & then, Hang it up to Dry.

9. Mock Asses Milk
One Ounce Rice   One Ounce of Pearl Barley   one Ounce of Sago   One Ounce of Candy’d ErowRoot ,  put into two quarts of Water   let it boil till it is reduce’d into one quart,  When taken put one third of new Milk   and drink it Warm as Milk from the Ass.

10. Make Hogs Puddings
Take a Gallon of great’d bread by strick one Pd of flour   one pd of Beef suet   one Pd &a half of Sugar   one Pd of Currants,  spice as you like   a little Salt   Mix all this together then wet it to a stife past with the fat,  boild them till they sn in that is a rule when they are done.

11. *Receipt for the Rheumatism
Tow table spoonfuls of the best Sweet Oil.   The same quantity of Water.
Twenty- five drops of Harshirm.   Sweeten these with the best sugar.
This quantity to be taken at twice, and repeat’d, morning & evening.
           Shake the Bottle every time you use it.

12. Curd Cheas Cakes
Take tow ounces of Curd   to ounces of fine Sugar sift’d   the peel of half a Lemon   Mix it with the Curd   beat tow Eggs leaving out one white   Mix it well togater with three ounces of very thick Melt’d butter.

13. Plaine Cake
Take three Pd of flour   one Pd & a Half of Butter   tow Pd & a Half of Currance   one Pd of Sugar   a qr of & ounce of Spice   a qr of a Pd of Sweet almons   a few Better   Do five Egg leaving out tow whits.   Half a pint of good yeast   a little Milk & glass of brandy.
Notes added:
Sweetmeats a qr of a Pd
And in a different hand:   half this quantity Mrs Lambe makes for Christmas   rather more Currants 
Two pieces of paper were pinned to the page (more modern English):
 3/4 lb Butter   2 lb of Currants   1 1/2 lbs Flour   3/4 lbs Moist Sugar   1/4 lb Butter 2 oz Sweet Almonds    6 Oz Sweet meat   4 eggs   1 Penny worth of Yeast   4 Eggs
No Chuck to the cuts of Beef, 1827 the chuck was entirely through the Ribs
                                                                                          E Lambe
14. Pickle Read Cabbage
Take a good Read Cabbage cute ti in Piece   Sprinkle it well with Salt   put in Culinary to drean the Water from it   Let it Stand Twelve hours   Boil the Vinegar & let it stand till it is Could than put the Cabbage in with Spice as you think fit   Tye it down Close.

15. a Whole Rice Boil’d Pudding
3 Ounce of Rice Boild very Tender   half pint of Milk   4 egg leaving out two whits   2 Ounce of Butter   1 Pd Sugar   half the yallow Rind off a Lemond great’d.
  Boil it a full Hour.

16. To Make Light Biskett
Take one Pound of Butter   Melt it in a pint of Milk   Break Eight eggs yolks & Whits   six Ounces of Powder Sugar   Beat the eggs very well with aWisk   when the Milk & Butter is almost Cold Pour it to the egg & Sugar   take three quarter of a Pound of flower well Dry’d by the fier   Strow it in a little at a time & it will be a thick batter   Set it to the fire to xxx   add half a pound of Carriway, Comfru or one Ounce of Carriway Seedys   Oring peall & Citron as you like it.

17. Oring Syrup
To one Winchester Pint of Juice put three qr of a Pd of sugar   Broake in Small peices   Set it over a very Slow fire   heat it Gently till the Scum Rise & the Sugar is all Melt’d   Strain it of very clear   when Cold put it in Bottles with paper over it prick’d full of holes.

18. Cream Pancakes
A Pint of Cream   Eight Eggs leaving out two whites   three Spoonfulls of sago  &  three of fine flower  &  one of Oringe flower water   a little Sugar   a great’d Nutmeg   a qr of a Pd of Melt’d butter.   Mix the flower with the Cream at first that may be Smooth   butter the Pan for the first Pancake & lett them Run into thin as Possible   when one is Colour’d enought   take them Carfully  out of the Pan   Strow fine Sugar Sift’d between them   Lay them as even as you Can on each other.
  This quanty will make twenty.

19. To make a Sillibub
Take a Little Sack   the Juice of a Lemon   Sweeten it with fine Sugar & put it in your Sillibub pot,  then milk into it a Little & put in tow or three Spoonfulls of Cream   then put in more Sack Lemon & Sugar & Milk into it again so do till your pot be full   you may keep it a day.

20. Calves Feet Jelly
One Neats [Ox] foot to three quarts of water & Boil it till it is reduced to one   Let it stand till Cold   take the Jelly off clean   put it into the Saucepan with a pint of Wine, half a pound of Loaf Sugar, juice of three Lemons and put 4 Whites of eggs well Beaten   then put all into a saucepan and let it Cook a few minutes   have ready a Jelly Bag. keep putting it up till it runs clear.

21. Green Pea Soup
Take Knucle or Scragg of Veal   Boil it with a qr of grean peas   tow or three oinions   a Sprigg of time   a little whole pepper   when it has Boil Strain it through a Cullinder & pulp the xxx thro it into a stew pan   when it has Boil’d put in a pint of young peas with tops of Green Mint   Lett them Boil until tender then put in a peice of butter xxx flower & Season it to your tast.   You must Make it of a proper Green with juice of a Spinnag.

22. To Make Shrub
Take two quarts of Brandy and put it in a large bottle adding to it the juice of five Lemons the peals of two,   half a Nutmeg   Stop it Close and let it Stand three Days   then add to it three pints of White Wine a pound  and half of Loaf Sugar   mixt it well   then Strain it twice through a flannel bag   then bottle it up   it is a pritty wine or xxxx.

23. To Make Sausage
To Ten Pd of Meat   four Ounce of Salt   two Ounce of Sage   a quarter of a Ounce of Peper.

24. To Make Drop Cakes
Six Ounces of flower   half a Pd of Sugar   a Little great’d Lemon peal   four Eggs

25. To Make Rusks
Two Pd of Flower   four Spoonfulls of thick Yeast   and the whits of two Egg Beat to a froth   Melt a qr of a Pd of butter and a Table Spoonfull of Lump Sugar in xxx of Milk   let it Stand till Could   then put it to the Flower   mix it well with your hand   put to the firer to Rise   then Make them Little Loaves half & hour will Butter   then pull or Cut them asunder   and put them in the Oven to Dry.

26. To Make Catsup
Take the Mushrooms and brake them in a Crock   Salt them Well   lett it one Day & Night   Strain them   put it in a Saucepan   boil them one houre with Mace Cloves Ginger & Pepper.

27. A Boil’d Rice Pudding
To 3 Ounces of Whole Rice Boil’d very Tender  1/2 pint of Milk  4 Eggs only 2 whits   2 Ounces of Butter   1 Pd Sugar   half the yallow Rind off a Lemond grat’d.  Boil it a full Hour.

28. Ginger Bread
A pd and a half of Flour for one Pd of xxx   almost as much Sugar   one Ounce of ginger,  2 ounces of Carraway Seeds   4 Oranges or Lemon Peal Candy’d   the yolks of 4 Eggs   Cut the Sweet Meats   Mix it all well together  -  Bake it in Cakes or Nuts.

29. Eggs Mince Pyes
Take 6 Egg Boil’d them very hard and Shred them Small,  Double the quantity of Beef,  xxx Currents,  1 Pd or more if the Eggs are large   the peal of 1 Lemon less the juce   five xxx dis Spoonfulls of Sach  - Mace Nutmeg xxx and a little Salt,  Candy’d Citron or Orange if you wod have them Rich.

30. Fruits Biscuits
Scald and Pulp the Fruit,  and to each Pd of pulp add three quarters of a Pd of Loaf Sugar,  and the White of one Egg.  Whipe these altogether with a Whisk and flour and Half.  Put it into Biscuits paper,  and dry them either in a caol oven or Hot Sun  - they may be made with any Sort of Fruit either ripe or unripe.

31. To make Little Plum Cakes to Bake on Tins
A Pound of Plumes   half pound of Currants   6 Ounces of Sugar,  Seven Ounces of Butter   the yolks of Egg  - Spice and Lemon

32. To make Drop Cakes
6 Ounces of Flour, half a Pd Sugar   Little grated Lemon peal   4 Eggs.

33. To make Dutch Blamchmang
To Two ounces of Ising Glass Boil in a qr of Water till be quite Desolved  then strain it off and   when it is near Cold put the juice of three Oranges and the peal of one Grat’d into it   the yolks of Eight Eggs   Half a pint of Whit Wine and a qr of Pd of fine Sugar,  then strain it xxx and let it stand  just Boil   then pour it into your Glasses for use xxx   Duch Blom ge a very good recipe xxx shape for half a melon or pine.

34. To make an Apple Pudding
Take half a pint of Cream   Six eggs   three whits well beaten   half a Pd sugar   a little Salt mix’d together and Stir in as much pulp of apple   peal’d apple as will make it a thick batter   Lay it into a Dish with thin Crust at the Bottom   half an hour will Bake it.

35. Mince Pies
3/4 Pd Lean Beef   3/4 Pd of Sugar   1 Pd of Beef suet   1 Pd of Carrots   a Gill of Wine x   1/2 Pd of Reasons   1 Nutmeg   4 Cloves a little mace   3 Apples x   2 Table Spoon fuls of Brandy x  1 of Lemon peal   1 of Salt.

36. *For the Jaundice
1 oz of Hiern Picna  Steep’d in 1/2 Pint xxx of Brandy for three Days, & keeping well shuck up  I then fill’d up with White Wine.

37. Ginger Wine
To 10 Gallons of Water put 20 Pd Lump Sugar   & half a pound of Bruis’d Ginger   10 Lemons Do Sevile Oringes both to be peel’d very thin & the peels to be boil’d in the Water with the Ginger & Sugar for half an (hour)   then strain it through a Seive & when cauld enought,  that is luke warm work it with 2 Spoonfuls of new Yeast   then put it in your Cask & 2 Bottles of Brandy & if it Works out keep it fill’d up with Brandy   when done working Boil 2 Ounces of Ising Glass with half a pint of the Wine & when Cool put it into the Wine & the next Day bury it down and it will be fine & ready to Drink in 6 Weeks.

38. English Madeira 1
To 14 Gallons of water  add 42 lb of moist sugar  2 gallons of the strongest ale when it is about to be tunned   16 lb of sun raisins   boil the sugar and water 20 minutes then pour it into a tub & when nearly cold put the raisins in picked & choped  & when quite Cold put in the ale   let it stand 8 days then put it in a cask   add 2 quarts of brandy   1 lb of sugar candy     1 lb of bitter almonds blanched & choped and a little isinglass   To stand 12 months then to be bottled & stand as long or longer when it is fit for use.
  This Receipt is the one I made My Wine by

39. English Madeira 2
To 18 Gallons of water 54 lb of good moist sugar   boil it well for an hour & scum it clean   when cold put to every gall of liquier 1 quart of good ale out of the vatt  let it work in the tub a day or two then put in one xxesacx   1 lb of sugar candy & 6 lb of raisins   when it has done working put in 1 Quart of Brandy   some isinglass   2 lb bitter almonds and stop it up.

40. *Untitled  - Remedy for Bruise or Broken skin inflamation or swelling
 3d of the extract of golard put 14 or 15 drops in a small viol Bottle of spring water   good for a Bruise or Broken xxxx to keep down an inflammation or swelling.

41. *Untitled Remedy  -Part Only
1/4 lb sun raisins   2d of stick liquorice   one breakfast cup full of Lin-seed Boiled in 2 quarts of water till it comes to and then strain on a quarter lb of brown sugar Candy   when taken put one table spoonful of old Rum xxxx   same of Lemon juice or vinegar.

42. Receipt for Champaigne?  (Parkinson)
Take 6 lb of Grapes striped from the stalks & not before they begin to change colour,  put them in a Jug with 3 Quarts of  Water  rub them well between the hands so as to break them all   let it Stand   3 days stiring it 2 or 3 times a day,  then strain off and let it remain to settle   - when it is fine take 1 Gall of the Liquor and add 3 1/4 of refined Lump Sugar   put it into the Cask and let it work  - when the fermentation has ceased add 1 quart of white Brandy to 5 Galls of the Wine  - put in your finings,  Bring it down and let it stand 6 Months when it will be fit to bottle.
If the above is the old Wine xxxx as me not the Infusion.

43. Sausage Meat
To 12 lbs of sausage Meat   1/4 lb of Sage   1/4 lb of Salt   1 1/2 Oz of Pepper
  Mrs Lambe 1844

44.  Jelly
One Neath foot to three quarts of Water,  boil it till reduced to one quart   let it stand till cold   take the jelly up clean   put it into a saucepan with a pint of wine    half a pound of loaf sugar    juice of three lemons and the peal,  4 whites of eggs well beaten,   then put it all into a sauce-pan and let it boil a few minutes,  have ready a jelly bag  - kipt putting it up xxxx it xxxxx clear.

45. *Cure for a Cough or Horsness
2 Oz Lindseed   1 Oz  Stick Liquorice   2 xx Figs or Raisins   boil them in one quart of water till reduced to a pint,  then strain it and add 2 Oz of Injan Candy  the juice of one Lemon and a Table Spoonful of Anin
 Take a teacupful When Going to Bed   it is an infallible Cure  - and have given it with great Success.

46. Elderberry Wine
Seven Gallons of Elderberries to five Gallons of Water,  boil it xxxxxxx about  ten Minutes,   then strain of  with a xxxxx  -  three Pd and a half of Sugar to each Gallon   a xxx few Cloves   3/4 lb of Ginger to Nine  Gallons,  boil it alltogether for half an hour,  then strain it through a sive   Let it stand till nearly Cold,  then put a Doast with a Little Yeast in it.
The ginger is put into a muslin bag.  When  boiled and remains in the Cask.   Nine Gallons is the quantity Ive made xxx.
47. *a Cough and Oppression of Heart
Take of Rhubarb stick One Ounce
Coriander Seed  - 1 Dram   Liquorice Root  -  2 Drams   Cochineal  - 1 Dram
Brandy one Pint   to stand for 10 Days.

48. Untitled Recipe pinned to book (dated 1862)
26 lbs  - good Moist Sugar   Barrel  8 1/2 Gal  -  Six Gals of Elderberries   3/4 lb Ginger  1 Oz Cloves  - made by the receipt of Ginger Wine   1 penny worth of Yeast when in the Barrel  - 2 Degrees below 100 the same warmth as the Beer is set  - 3 table Spoonfulls of home brewed yeast.

49. *The last page of the book is badly water damaged! Only a small part of a Remedy can be made out as follows:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lemons  half a pint xxxx xxxx   Tow xxxx with three Large Spoonfulls xxx Brandy into half a pint of Water   Let it be  Straind and then take three Large Spoonfulls every three hours

Writing Style 1 (S1)

Writing Style 2  (S2)

Writing Style 3 (S3)

Writing Style 4 (S4)

Writing Style 5 (S5)

Writing Style 6 (S6)

Of course over such a long period of time the writer of the Lambe Recipe's is likely to change through the generations and family friends may also have contributed hence six different writing styles as shown above. The writing style is shown against the Recipe's list at the top of the blog.

Lambe Family Recipes from Seaford Museum's Collection.

Recipes & Remedies (Book 2)

This Recepe Book re-uses Master Sawyer's 1768 school book
(the first six pages have been cut out) 

50. Jelley
51. Custard Puddin
52. Cherres In Brandy
53. To Clean Mahogany Tables
53a to make Cracknols
54. To Put hupt Damsens (To Put up Damsens)
55. Littel hand Cakes Mrs Farnes way
56. Hogs Puding (Hogs Pudding)
57. Pickel Slist Cockenbers (Pickle Sliced Cucumbers?)
58. To Mangel Cockenbers (To Mangel Cucumbers?)
59. Swett Sarss for Hare (Sweet Sauce for Hare)
60. Sweet Sarst for Carfst feet - MrsChambers (Sweet Sauce for Calves Feet)
61. Gooseberry Wine
62. Brad Sars for Partrige (Bread Sauce for Partridge)
63. To Mak a Packt Pudden Mrs Chamberlens Way (Packet? Pudding)
64. Pickel Red Cbage (Pickle Red Cabbage)
65. Pickle Small Onions
66. Orangs Wine (Orange Wine)
67. Pickel Neats Tongues (Pickle Calves Tongues)
68. *A Searcloth for Gout Acke green wound or sprain 

The Recipes & Remedies in this book/blog are for use as a historical record only.

50. To Make Jelley 
Take harlf a pound of Hartshorn Shavins & ounce of Iseings Glass [Isinglass] or one calvs foot with? his Batter   Leet theas Boyl 5 or 6 hours in a proper quantity of warter to have a bout tow quarts  Wan It has boyl hef it bee Streand   put in a Clean pan  Leave the bottom if thick  Sit it of the fier to boyl   have Redy the peel of 4 lamons & 4 orrings  if large  ten Small   a blade of mace  a littel bit of Soinmeat pour your Jelley over theas  Let it bee Covered and Stand two hours than off  ????  then sques your Lamons & orings thrue o sive in to a Pan that you boyl it in  than put your Jelley throw the five allso & Seeeten it to your tast & Put half a Pint of Sweet wine  Set it on when it is verry hot  put in ye wights twell Eggs  bet to a froath  When it is very hot put in ye whites of Eggs  Mix it well to gather & let it boyl 10 minats  have rady your Jelly Bag & pour it throu  When it is clear than let it rune in to your Glases.  

1. Hartshorn is made from the white part of a stags horn rasped down and boiled to a jelly.
2. Isinglass is a kind of gelatin obtained from fish, especially sturgeon, and used in making jellies, glue, etc.

51. To maka a Custard Puddin 
To Bake or Boyl take a quart of Cream & when it is all most Cold stir in ye yolks of Seven Eggs nutmeg grated Sugar and orring flower warter to your tast  Put a thine puff Past at ye bottom of your Dish than put in your puddin and 5 or 6 Bits of butter the size of a nutmeg  put Som bits of Canded orring & Safron and Reasins   it is verry Good pudden.  

52. Cherres In Brandy 
the morells Cherres are only gathered whene full Ripe the Stalk harlf Cut off and the Cherres put in to Glays or Jars and ye Brandy   put to them with bottel refine Powder Sugar Disolved in the Brendy.

53. a Receipt to Clean Mahogany Tables
Take tow ounces of Alkanet Root a pint  of Cold draidn? Linseed oyl tow penny worth is Rose pint  put them into an Earthen jar  Let them Stand 14 hourers then Rub Som of Likgurd over your Table Let it by an hourer then Get a Clean Linen Cloth and bee Sure to Rub it wall.
Note: Alkanna tinctoria, the dyer's alkanet or alkanet, is a herb in the borage family. Its main notability is its roots are used as a red dye.

53a to make Cracknols
to pd of flower 3 quarters of lb butter  a Blade of Mace  harlf ye Butter Rob Pan and harlf Rold In 2 Eggs.

54. To Put hupt Damsens (To Put up Damsens)
to a Gallon of Damsons 4 lpd of Sugar than let tham In the oven tall thay are wall Back if thay Geat Spotty take et of and lat it in ye oven for a Littel wile.

55. to make Littel hand Cakes Mrs Farnes way
tak one pd of fine flower harlf a pd of Butter  harlf a pd of Powder /suger  one ounce of Carrawy Seeds  rub all weel to gether with your hand  beat 2 Eggs 1 wight & ef?  if that bee not Enoght to wet it put a Littel warm milk  Role them verry thine  Lay tham a Pon tins a Littel wile  Backs tham.

56. to make Hogs Puding 
take two pd wight Brad grated  one pd of flower   3 quarters of pd of Currants nutmeg  Mays  & Cinemon ??? of each a small quantity   a Littel salt to your tast 4 Eggs wall beeten ???? as stif as Past with the fat  boyl tham wall.

57. Pickel Slist Cockenbers (Pickle Sliced Cucumbers?)
take Larg Cockinbers fit for mangelin  Slist tham with ye Rinds on  Lay tham In a Sive or Culender  In Layrs  Between avry Lane Strow Salt  Lat tham stand one night  than boyl yor vinerger with Spist?  Put to tgham hot.

58. To Mangel Cockenbers (To Mangel Cucumbers?) 
take Cockenbers fit for mangelen  Skup ye Seeds all out  Wen dun fill ye holl with musterd Seeds ??? Garlock & papar to your Liking  Gast before it Boyle Put ye Cockenbers In  Let It Gast Boyl hup  Cover ye top of ye Gare with Grape Leavs.

59. to make Swett Sarss for Hare (Sweet Sauce for Hare)
Slise Som Brad  Put som cold warter or Red wine a pon it  Let it Stand harlf a houer than put et In a Sars pan to Boyl hup  with more Red wine to tast  Make et of a proper thigness  Sweetin to your tast.
Sques som Lamon I ye Brad  Must be gratted 3 quarters of a houer with Rost a Hare. 

60. Sweet Sarst for Carfst feet - MrsChambers (Sweet Sauce for Calves Feet)    
Melt your Butter In wight wine  Sweeten It to you tast.

61. Gooseberry Wine
To fore pound of Gooseberry full Ripe put a quart of warter and to every Gallon of warter put four pounds of Suger  Bruise the Gooseberry well and lat them Stand  in ye water two days Stirring it twise or thrise a day and than Strain  it throught a fine Sieve Bag  than put in the Sugar and Stir it. verry well till it is melted  When it is wall mixd cover it and let it Stand a while and Strand it throught a flaxen Bag into the vesel  when it has Don working Stop it Close and let it Stand Six weeks or two months and if fine bottle it. 

62. To make Brad Sars for Partrige (Bread Sauce for Partridge)
Slise som Brad In a basson a flue? Slises of onions  Som hole papar but wan don pouer Som Cold warter a Pon it  Lat it stand harlf a hower  than Put It in a Sars pan to Boyl hup for a Littel will  than get Raddy Som melted Butter to Pour In  Sarve It ??? twanty Minets   Rosted a Partrige.

63. To Mak a Packt Pudden Mrs Chamberlens Way (Packet? Pudding)
Srow 2 Layr of Fruet  than 2 Layr of Brad but verry thine & 2 Layrs of Currants to one Pint of milk  3 Eggs   a Littel nutmeg   a littel orring flower warter  3 quarters ????? will Packet.

64. To Pickel Red Cbage (Pickle Red Cabbage)
Take a Red Cbbage  Cut It in Slices & Strew Salt on it  Leat it Stand a day than draine ye Liguer from it or wrap bit in a dry Clorth  Make your pickel of wight wine vinegar 2 or 3 of ginger  a blade of Mace  Sume hole papar  littel Cochineal in it  Put it in Murling & Put it in pickel  & make it Boyl & than put in ye Cabbag & Let  it Stand have to or thare ??????  put it in to ye gare [jar] & Stop it down Clos. 

65. to Pickle Small Onions
Take young while unset onions as big as ye Eand of your finger  Lay tham In warter and Salt tow Days  Shift tham once than make tham In a Cloath  Boyl ye best vinerger with Spice a cording to your tast and when It is cold Put tham In it coverd with a whet Blader. 

66. Receipt to make Orangs Wine (Orange Wine)
To Every Hundred of Sevill Orangse Squeezed putt ten Gallons of water a quarter of Hundred of Sugar  the Whighes of Six Eggs well beat  boyls your Suger Water & Eggs togather for half an hour & Skim it well  pare half your Orangs verry thin & take the Kornells out of the Juice  pour the Hott liquer on the peals & than Sett it  wth yeast & a Jost?  Lett it Stand four or five days than putt it in to your vassell with some of the peaels & to Every tean Gallons of water putt one Gallon of Brandy.

67. to Pickel Neats Tongues (Pickle Calves Tongues)
to Evry Neats tongues firs & Cleans from all Slime with a dry Cloth allow an ounce of Salt Peter  three quarters of ounce of Corse Sugar a hand full of Bay? Salt two hand fulls of Comon Salt & rub it Evry whear verry wall with ye mixture  So put it in your Pickle Pot & Lays the remainder of the Eingreagents  a pon it to disolve & Soak in by degreas  whan you have Salted Severral Tongues & have got a quantity of putte a slant ???? or a peice of Lead & keep tham under & wan you have accion to put in more Lays & then firs 4 of than sind tham thus you may take out to use & put in more for severl months to gethar the pickel will keep good & Lefs Ingease? & Salt Peter will bee Surfishant.

68. A Searcloth for Gout Acke green wound or Sprain 
Take a quart of the best Sweet oyle & put in to it 3 ounces of the best Venice turpentine than Set it on the fire & keep it Stiring till the turpentine is melted & it begins to boyle than put in a pound of read Lead finely beaten & Seaved?.
Strew 2. it in by degrees that it may not bladder 1.  When it is all in Let it boyle  apace keeping it constantly Stiring till it looks verry black wich will bee in about a quater of an hour  than take it of the fire & put in 4 ounces of oyle  St John's Wort than Let it on the fire & Let it Just Boyle than take it of  and  dip in your Cloths  wich must be pritty fine  than hang them up till they are Cold  than role them up Closs that no air comes to them  it will keep good Seven Years
                                                            given me by Mrs Chamberlan
Warning: The use of red lead in this remedy looks to be particularly dangerous even though the resulting cloths are for external use. 
1. The use of the word "bladder" may mean 'clump' in this context.
2. The word "strew" means 'throw'.

The detailed Recipes above (50 to 68) require further research and editing. The handwriting in an old English and rustic style in items 50 to 66 suggests the same writer. Items 67 and 68 (added to the last two pages) are in a different hand and a more modern form of spelling suggesting a formerly educated hand.

Recipes & Remedies (Book 3)

69. Veal Olives
70. Blamang (Blancmange)
71. Ham
72. Carp Saus (Carp Sauce)
73. Lemon Cheascakes
74. Ragoe [Ragout] of Feet & Ears
75. Light Biskets
76. Butter Lobster in the Shell
77. A Firicasae of Chicken (Fricasssee of Chicken) 
78. To Pott Lobster
79. To Pickle Red Cabbage
80. Mince Pie
81. Craknells (Cracknells)
82. Apple Huff
83. Duch Wafalls (Dutch Waffles)
84. Orange Marmalade
85. White Soup
86. Peace of Rump of Beef
87. Dutch Blamchmangh 
88. Ratalife (Macaroons?) Drops
89. A Yorkshire Pudding
90. Stue'd Peas
91. Green Pea Soop Pulp'd
92. Almond Cheas-Cakes
93. Almond Cakes with ????? Flour
94. To Stew Peas with Coucumber
95. *To make Pectoral Drink for a Cought
96. To Dye Linnen or Cotton Yellow
97. To Wash Chintz after the East-India Manner
98. Lip Salve

The Recipes & Remedies in this book/blog are for use as a historical record only.

69. Veal Olives 
Take pd of veal  Cutt it in to thin slices about the Lenght and breath of your finger , Make some stuffing  Rowl the veal & Stuffing about the thickness of an egg  Tye them up in Cutts of Cloth & boil y in 20 munites  ,  Make a light Brown gravy  thicken it with Butter & flower put in the juice of a lemon  ,  put the Olives into the same  just boil y ?  up the yolk of a hard egg  cut in Dice & some Chogo Mushrooms ,  a little green parsly  Strew in at last.

70. To Make Blamang (Blancmange)   
Take a pint of Cream  a little fine Sugar & half an ounce of Isinglass  Set Above the fire to Boile when that Isinglass is all Desolved Strain it through a Sive  when almost Cold put in a Little Mountain Wine & orang flower water to your tast.

Note: Reference to Mountain Wine in 18th Century i.e. a type of wine formerly produced in Malaga.  

71. To Make Ham 
Take a ham of 15 or 16 pound  lett it lay a Day after it Cut out thin ???? with a qr of a Pd of Cours Sugar  the next morning sprinkle with a qr of an ounce of Salt petre and at night put 2 larg handfull of Bay Salt upon the Lean part  Let it lay in an Earthen pan becaus of the small quanty of picke. Bast it often every Day for fourteen Days then hang them up to Dry.

72. To Make Carp Saus (Carp Sauce)   
Take six anchovies  a quarter of a pint of Gravy  half a pint of white wine Heat them till the anchonvies are Desolved  then add the Blood of the Carp & four spoonfull of Elder vinagar  Thicken with Butter.

73. To Make Lemon Cheascakes
Grate the Peel of one Large Lemon  Squece out the juice of half & add a qr of a pd of fine sugar six yolks of eggs w whites well beaten  Melt a qr of a pd of butter & 3 spoonfulls of cream , then stur it well together & Sett it over the fire keeping it sturing till it is pretty thick  then take it off & when it is Cold fill your pattipans a little more than half full, put a thin past at the Bottom , half a hour will Bake them.                                                                                           Mr W.

74. Ragoe [Ragout] of Feet & Ears
Boil the feet & ears to Tender. that you May Run s straw through them  Cut the Ears in Slices  taking out the thick part of the Grinde?  Then put in to a stew pan with some Gravey a anchovy  Wash & chopp 3 or 4 onions  Stew them very well Thicken it with a Little flower & butter  when it is proper  thickness two spoonfull  & half a spoonfull of mustard  , split the feet & Rub them over with the yolk of an egg floar? them & Boil them basting your with butter  Lay them round the dish  , you may Cut the best oart of the feet & put in to the Rago  Take out the onion before you send it to table. 

75. To Make Light Biskets 
Take a pd of Butter  flower putt it to a pint of Milk  Melt it in it , Take 4 or five spoonfulls of yeast  seven egg white & yolk  Lett it Stand to the fire to rise  When the milk is Cool enought put the ????of egg in to it  then strow the flower in to it till it as Stif as you would have it  just before you put it in the oven  put half in to use? of Carray Seed , Sugar them  a little mace & Citaus?  or two oz of Comfort
                                                                                                            Mr R

76. To Butter Lobster in the Shell     
Pick the tail & Clawes  put in a sause pan with the body a little gravy  some pepper  a very little anchovy Liqure  a bitt of butter  Stur it well over the fire with a spoon  break it small & when throug Hott  split the Tail & Body , Lay it in then Cover it over with fine Bread Crumbs , Brown it with a Salamandar  be carefull not to burn the Crumbs.

77. A Firicasae of Chicken (Fricasssee of Chicken)
Skin a Couple of Chicken  Cut them in to Peices & throw them into water for a Little wile & putt them in to the Stew pan with a peice of butter as bigg as an Egg  Lett them Stew Softly in there own Gravey  boyl the necks in a Little water with a sprig of thyme  one onion one anchovy  a little bit of Mace 4 or 5 Dry Mushrooms. Boil this to Gravey & put it to the Chicken with as Much Cream as will Make it White.  Shak in flower to Make it of a proper thickness , just as you serve it up  Put in a little Shred Parsely.

78. To Pott Lobster
Take the Tail out Whole , Cut off the Ends that rune in the Body , Split Pad? & Cutt them in Peices as big as the as the top of your thumb , Pick the meat out of the Chine? & Claws & Beat it in a Morter with the Spawn , but leave out the Tail  Season it with pepper Salt and a very little Nutmeg , then take a Pound of Butter which is enought for four Middling Lobsters , Clarify it & Season well  put all the meat that is Beat & the Tails  Lett them Boil a little in the Butter keeping it stiring  least it should burn  then put it in to a Sive & lett the Butter Drain from it  Squeez it Down Close in little patts when its almost Cold pour the Butter over it. When cold Tye it Down very Close. 

79. To Pickle Red Cabbage   
Cutt the Cabbag in four Qs? & there crossways in Little parcels but not the stalks put it in an Earthan pan & strow salt on it , Lett it ly 24 hours then put it in a cullinder to drain , boyl as much vinegar as you think will cover it , with a few Cloves  Mace & a little whole pepper & a little Salt , Lett to stand to be quit Cold then out the Cabbag in to a jar & Pour the vinegar on it       Tye brown paper 3 or 4 times Double over the jar.

80. To Make Mince Pis 
Take a pd & a half of tender Beef  Cutt small , two pd of Beef suett , two pd of currants , a qr of a pd of Rasions  stoned & Chop a qr of a pd of Pruants boil & Choppd half a pd of Sugar Not quit half an Ounce of Mace , a Small Nutmeg , Six apples pared & Choppd Small  The Rine of two lemons  the juce of one or an orang , a Glass of Brandy 7 a pint of Sack a Little Salt 
   add Sweet Meats as You Make ye pys.

Note: Sack was a fortified wine from Spain (now known as Sherry)

81. To Make Craknells (Cracknells)
Take half a Gallon of flower  a pound & a half  of butter , put in Mace pepper & Salt to your tast  6 Eggs leaving out two of the whites  Roll them out thinn a bout the size of a saucer  pinch them round the Edge & prick them , then put them in to a kettle of boiling water , when they are Boild Enough they wil rise to the top Rim [? ink splodge over word]  Take them out with a skimmer & Turn them Bottom up  leave? to Drain & Leave them on the Board then flour your tinn & put them on to Bake.

82. Apple Huff 
Peald? the apples & take a qr of a pound of the pulp & a qr of a pd of Sugar Sifted & the juce of one Lemon (added above the line here: "the whites of two Eggs")   beat it togather for two hours & when it is well frothd put it one half a pint of Cream.

83. To Make uch Wafalls (Dutch Waffles)   
Take a qr of Milk  half a Pound of Butter  Make the Milk warm enough to Melt you Butter then take one pd of flour  8 eggs Leving out 2 whites one spoonfull of yeast one Spoonfull of of Sugar  Beat it well togather & Sett it to the fire to Rise.

84. Orange Marmalade
Cutt the Oranges in halves & take out the juice & Boil the Peals till they are quit tender  then Cutt them in Small pieces very thinn  put them to the pulp  Boil them togather to a Pd of orang  put 3 qr of a pound of Lump sugar 
         you may add the juice of a Lemon to each Pd if you please , as it quicken it.

85. To Make a White Soup
Take veal & Mutton  six or Seven Pd  Put to it eight quarts of water  Stew it Gently till it is Reduced to three quarts  when its about half Boild put in a root of Cellory?  a large oinion  a little sweet margram  thyme and whole pepper 3 anchoves  when Boild Down to the quantity strain it off & lett it by for ???? , Take off the fatt from the top & put the B??? in a saus pan with a Qr of a Pd of whole rice  Lett it stew gentley till the rice is tender enough ?? pu??? through a Sive with a spoon to make the soup  The thicknes of Cream.  To this quantity you may putt half a pint of Cream  Boil a French Role in it  half an hour & send it up in the Soup if not quit thick enough add a Little peice of flourd Butter. 

86. Peace of Rump of Beef 
Take a Peace of Rump of beef  St?? it very slow for seven hours  put in a Bunch Cellrey  endive  Ham  radish  sweet herbs  onion some whole pepper & fatt  when its stewd strip out the Bones & Drain it from the Liquer & make the following sauce ------ a pint of Gravey  a Larg Paaroll of Capers  one anchovy & a half  some muchroom  all shred very finely &some Morells , then take a good deal of onion shred it very fine & putt it in a panwith a Peice of Butter & fry thm shaking in a little flour. Dont fry them brown  Then pour in the Gravy and lett it stew a Little if not thick enough put in a peice of butter & flour & pour it over the Beef , The capers & mushrooms should be washd in boiling water  & Dryd before you shred them.

87. To Make Dutch Blamchmangh
Two ounces of Ising Glass boil'd in a q's? of water till it be quit Desolv'd   than Strain it off & when its  near Cold  put the juice of three Lemons & the Peel of one Grated into it  the yolks o Eight eggs  half a pint of white wine & a qr of a pd of Sugar  than strain it off & let it fast Boil  than pour it into your Glasses for use.

88. Ratalife ( Ratafia/Macaroon?) Drops
Take half a pound of almonds  half Bitters half sweet beat tham very fine with Rose Water  half a pound of Siffted Sugar  the whites of two Eggs & a half  beat to a froth  Mix them well  two gather  Set them on a slow fire keeping them stirring till they begin to be stiff.  when they are quit cold make Cakes or Drops  bake them use tinns or Papers.

A separate note here relating to No.87 Dutch blancmange recipe:
"The Duch Blamgh a very good receipt for shape for half a melon or Pine apple" 

89. A Yorkshire Pudding
Boil a pint of Milk  put six spoonfulls of flour  mix it till it quit small  5 or six eggs whites & a Nutmeg & sugar to you tast  put a little Brandy in it   it must Boil a hour       Mix wine in your Butter an pour over it.

89a long Biskits  
Take half a pd of almonds  beat with a Little orange flower water  3 Eggs  beat it altogather till its very white than put in 2 ounces & half of flour  the rine of one lemon grated. put them in saus pans as you bake Lemon Biskets in   Bake y'm very lighly   you may add Sweet meats if you like.

90. Stue'd Peas
to a qr of young Peas Take the Heart of a larg Cabbag Lettic  a little pasley two or three young onions  Cut small a ounce & half of strip Bacon  Cut in Dice  put tham in to a stwe pan with 3 onces of Butter half a pint of water  season it with pepper & salt to you Palate , Lett it Stew over a Slow fire for full two hours at least  than put a qr of a pint of Cream. 

91. Green Pea Soop Pulp'd
Take a knucle or scragg of veal  Boil it with a qr of green peas tow or three oinions a sprigg of thyme  a little whole pepper , when it has Boil'd strain it thro a cullinder &  pulp the peas thro it into a Stew pan  When it is Boil'd put in a pint of young peas  Some topps of Green Mint  Lett tham Boil till tender , Then put in a peice of butter & flour & Salt it to your tast
NB   you must make it of a proper Green with juice of Spinnag.

92. Almond Cheas-Cakes
Blanch & beat a qr of a pd of almond with a little orang flower water , a qr of a pound of Sugar  Beat & Sifted , The yallow peal of half a lemon Boild very tender & beat fine , Mix it with almonds , beat four Egg leaving out two whites  Mix it all well togather adding six ounces of Melted butter.

93. To Make almond Cakes with ????? Flour
Take half a pound of Beaten Sugar  a qr of a pd of almonds beat with a little orang flour Water , 9 Eggs  Beat it al-togather till it is very white  than put 2 ounces & a half of Flour , the Rind of 1 Lemon Grated , put them in such panns as you Bake Lemon biskets in & Bake them very lightly  You may add Sweet Meats if you Like.

Note: Sweetmeats are any sweet delicacy of the the confectionery or candy kind as candied fruit, sugar coated fruit, sugar-covered nuts, sugarplums, bonbons, or balls or sticks of candy.

94. To Stew Peas with Coucumber
Take some lettice and coucumber  Sock tham well in water , put them in a stew pan , with some mint & onion  Stew all these to-gather , with a bitt of Butter & a little When the Herbs are stewed enought put in the peas , Stew tham very tender then add pepper and Salt to your tast , when it is ready to Dish up , Shake in a bit more Butter. 

95. *To make Pectoral Drink for a Cought
 Boil an ounce of pearl barley in some water  than pour the water off , & put three quarts of fresh water to the barley  lett it boil half a way , than put in a qr of a pound of raisons of the sun & stand & large peice of stick liquorish scrap'd & beat till it will will pul asunder in threads , & a lump of sugar candey , give this all a boiling togather , stir it every time you use it & drink it warm.

96. To Dye Linnen or Cotton Yellow
Take half a ounce of Anata  beat it &put it into Cold water as much as you think will be  sufficient  to Dye you gowns than boyle it till its all disolv'd than in 2d worth of pum-ash & then you may put in your gown and boyl it till the colour is as deep as you like it  and than you may put it in the cold water.
This quantity is enough for two gowns. 

Note: Anata was a plant dye from Brazil.

 97. To Wash Chintz after the East-India Manner
Put a Pd of Rice to a gallon of water  boil it till it is thick as starch , than strain it , and make use of what you strain off instead soap and wash as if it was with soap , Boil the rice over again in the same quantity of water  as before , strain it and use that as starch.
NB There Must one no account to be used either Soap blue or Starch.

 98. Lip Salve
Take 4 ounces of oil of sweet almonds  1 ounce of speriment  a quarter of an Oz of Virgin Wax.

Recipes & Remedies (Loose Recipes)

99. *The Feaver Powder
100. Batter Pudding
100a. Small baked Pudding
101. To Preserve Barberry's
102. Untitled Cucumber Recipe
103. To Pickell Mushrooms
104. Ginger Beer (Dr Smith 1845)
105. Oil Polish
106. Ginger Beer (1821 W Lambe)
107. Mock Maderia
108. *A Recipe to make Old Maids Young
109. Currant Wine
110. Cast on Stitches. Begin?
111. Grape Wine
112. Untitled Apple Turnover Recipe (by Miss Lambe, School Hill, Lewes)
113. Potted Beef
114. To Cure a tonng
115. to make a Stofen for a Haddock or Cod
116. to make Stuffen for a turkey
117. Mrs Belger's Potted Beef
118. Mrs Chamberling's Reset for Mince Pise (No recipe!)
119. to Stue Horsters (oysters?) Mrs Chamberling's Way
120. to make past[ry] Mrs Belger's Way - poff past [puff pastry]
121. Canded Orangee Peals (Candied Orange Peels)
122. *a warry gud reset for ye bake each -Mrs Balger's (backache remedy)
123. *for a swaling - Mrs Chamberling (Remedy for a Swelllng)
124. Scotch Parkin
125. To Pickle Onions (1853)
126. To make Blacking
127. *for the Head Ach
128. Rich Tomata Sauce
129. Lemon Wine
130. A Ragout of Feet and Ears
131. Kings hunting Beef
132. Preserved Rhubarb
133. Strawberry (knitting pattern)
134.Lemon Cream
135. To Pickell Wallnuts
136. One Gallon and 28 Gallons of Grape Wine (made Oct 16th 1847)
137. 28 Gallons of Grape Wine (made Oct 10th 1845)
138. Wine making price list
139. Rusks
140. to Pickell Wallnuts
141. English Maderia
142. Untitled recipe using eggs whisked with orange flowers, lemon and flour
143. Finings for a Pipe of Wine
144. French Polish (1)
145. French Polish (2)
146. Prepared Spirits
147. Orange Wine

The Recipes & Remedies in this book/blog are for use as a historical record only.

99. *The Feaver Powder 
Take a bottle of good White Wine , then take Angelica  Cardus  Dragons bettony  Sacbus  Pimpinalls  Formenxxxx  Seordium  Rosemary  Dandelion of each a little handfull  Shred these herbs a bruise them a little before you put them into the wine & let them stand forty four hours then put a pound of Poole-Armonack into a xoafon finely seavied & with it some of the White Wine strained from the herbs till it be as thick as a white pott , then set in the sun and as it drye away   straine more of the white wine to it till it is all done the last wetting putt in an ounce of Mithridate or Venus Treacle a quarter on an ounce of prepared Pearle & a quarter of an ounce Crabs eyes & Calus Calsinde & a twelve penny Book of leafe Gold then make it into Balls & lay this in the sun a drying least with long keeping they should be mouldy, these Balls will keep a seven Years.
This Powder is good in the small Pox Feaver Meazels at the first coming out give it in little Plague Water, for a young Child as much as will lye on a groat, for a Man or Woman as much as will lye on a sixpence or a little more it ought to be given every twelve hours till the Persons fall into a sweat.

1. Angelica - Angelica is a genus of about 60 species of tall biennial and perennial herbs in the family Apiaceae
2. Cardus - Carduus benedictus (Centaurea benedicta) Common name 'blessed thistle' homeopathic use for Fever, Headache, Diarrhoea, Varicosis etc.
3. Dragons bettany - type of thistle.
4. Sacbus - Not found
5. Pimpinalls - Pimpinella is a plant genus in the carrot family; it includes the aromatic herb anise.
6. Formexxxx - Not found
7. Scordium (Teucrium Scordium) Water germander is a marsh plant used to make medicine taken for asthma, diarrhea, fever, intestinal parasites, hemorrhoids, and wounds. Now rare in England.

100. Batter Pudding
3 Spoonfulls Flour to a pint dish, 6 Eggs well beaten   Fill your dish with new milk  boil it one hour , serve it with butter , Sugar, and Wine.

100a. Small baked Pudding
Mix 3 Spoonfull of flour with almost a pint of milk, put over the fire, add to it a little salt, and Nutmeg and keep stiring it till it becomes as stiff as paist, then put it out till cold, beat a 1/4 lb of butter with 4 Eggs, sugar to your taste then mix it altogather, fill your Tea cups 3 qtrs full, and bake them 3/4 of an hour in a quick Oven, turn them out  Pour over melted Butter with a little Sugar,Wine, or Brandy.

101. To Preserve Barberry's
Take the finest Barberrys  if they have stones take them out carefully and bake them full weight in sugar  Break it in small lumps and just wet it with water   let it stand to dissolve then put it over a gentle fire simmer and skim it and when it Boils up put in the Barberry's  Let them Boil till they are clear then take them out into a small Preserving jar, and let the Syrup Boil a little longer and then pour it on the Barberry's to cover them.

102. Untitled Cucumber Recipe
Put the Cucumbers in Salt & water   Let them lay four & twenty hours   take them out & wipe them dry   make the vinegar hot & pour [it] upon them & then a course Cloath over them & keep them warm.

Note: on the back of this recipe part of a letter reads:
............ last accounts from Clifton were extremely favourable - My mother has recived great benefit fom the air and Waters, and every Symptom has gradually abated - Begging the favour of you to communicate this account to Mrs & Miss Shipley
               I remain      your obliged Sr      Henry Seton
                  Parliament St.
                     No. 6.                         Sunday Morning 

103. To Pickell Mushrooms
Take the buttons and wipe them on or peal them and throw them in Salt and Water, as you do them to keep them from Changeing their Couller   then take? and bil them in Milk for a five Minites then take them out and Cover them up Close, in a Cloth to Dry them, you must boil your Vinegar with a Little Mace Ginger & Pepper & Salt, and let it Stand to be quite Cold.
then put your Mushrooms in a glass bottle and Pour your Vinegar to them  Stop them up very Close. 
                                                                                         Miss Toms

104. Ginger Beer (Dr Smith 1845)
1 Gall Water 1 lb lump sugar 1 Oz Cream Tartar 1 1/4 Oz ginger 1 lemon slice'd  & the juice of another   Rub one of the Lemons well on the sugar  Bruise the ginger & put all in a pan. Pour the water boiling over it & let it stand till milk warm.  Put a piece of toast & table spoonful of yeast on it  bottle after 12 hours. Ready in 3 days.

Note: the term 'milk warm' means as warm as fresh drawn milk (lukewarm)  

105. Receipt for Oil Polish
1 Pint Linseed Oil
4 Oz of Turpentine
4 Oz of Vinegar
2 Oz of Sp[iri]ts of Wine   - pure alcohol
1 Oz of Butter of Antimony - Antimony trichloride was known by alchemists as butter of antimony. 

106. To Make Ginger Beer (1821 W Lambe)
To 5 Gallons water add 6 lb Lump Sugar, 3 Oz Ginger beat fine boil it 1 Hour, & when nearly cold work it with a little Yeast spread on a toast  put it the next day in a Cask, with the juice of 6 Lemons, with their rinds pared thin, & 1/4 lb cream of tartar, after 24 Hours bung it down close, & in a fortnight put it in Stone bottles, & in the course of another fortnight it will be fit to drink; it should be refined with a little Isingglass.
     W. Lambe  Sept 6th 1821  Lewes  Sussex

107. Mock Maderia
 42 lb of moist Sugar  15 Gallon of Water 8 lb of reisons & 2 Gallons of Ale  when it is just ready to tun.  first boil the sugar & water 20 Minutes.  then put in a Tub to cool   When nearly cold put in the reisens, & when quite cold put in the Ale  let it stand 3 days stiring it once or twice a day,  then put it in the Cask with an ounce of Isinglass a 1/4 lb of brown sugar candy & a lb of Moist Sugar  let it Stand six Months in Cask.
NB  the reisons should be chop'd a little & if Seville Oranges are to be had  - 1 Dozen grate the rines & boil with the Sugar & put the juice in with the Ale when Cold.  

108. *A Recipe to make Old Maids Young 
 One pint of the best florence Oil  Half Onz of Spermaciti Cerate   A Table Spoonful of Oil Bergamot   Thirty Drops of Oil of Cloves . Bail the florence Oil with Half  an Oz of Alkanch Roots and pour it Over the Cerate  let it stand an Hour  Mix the other ingredients Strained And pour it into Bottles.

1. Florence Oil - Name given to a high grade of olive oil.
2. Spermaciti Cerate -  is a waxy substance found in the head cavities of the sperm whale.
3. Bergamot - the peel of the Citrus Fruit and extract from the fruit juice are used to make medicine.
4. Alkanch Roots - Reference not found.

 See also a note at the bottom of the page but in a different hand:  
I beg to inform your Miss Saxby? it was Mr L. Lambe who copied out the Recipe for you   T should feel particularly obliged by your not letting anyone else have it and Miss Sampson stressed you should not give it to anyone.  

109. Currant Wine
Two Gallons of Currants to three of water, break the fruit thoroughly and Squeeze it through strainer   to every Gallon of Wine add three pounds and a half of lump Sugar   if the Weather is warm the Brandy should be put in the cask   in about three weeks the usual quantity is three quart to a twenty Gallon cask.
                                       Mrs Raymond's receipt

110. Cast on Stitches. Legin -?
1.  take off one, knit 2, make 1, knit 2 together, make 2, knit 2 together. 
2.  .etc. etc. to no. 12. 

111. Grape Wine
Add 1 Gallon of Water to 1 Gallon of picked grapes break the grapes before the water is put to them  Let the water remain with the grapes about 24 hours - strain them thro a seive &squese them till you get all the juice from them then add 3 lbs of good moist sugar to each Gallon of Wine  put it in the Cask - after it as been their about 3 Weeks add 1 pint of brandy to 10 Gallon Wine then bung it down close.
At midsummer rack it off then put it in the cask again & add a pint of brandy as before.
NB. When you put the Sugar to the wine which must be in an open cask mix the sugar well & let it stand a day or two then take all the scum off before you put it in the cask.

112. Untitled Apple Turnover Recipe (by Miss Lambe, School Hill, Lewes)
5 Ounces of Suit and Butter to one lb of flour for Apple turnovers.
1 lb of butter and Lard to 2 and half of Flour 1/2 lb of Currants or Raisins for Plum heavy.

113. to Make Potted Beef
Cut the Lean of a Buttock of Beef and Cut itt in pound pices for Eight pound thre ounces of Salt peter  Half a pound Bay Salt & a pound of Comon Salt  2 ounces of Sugar  Mix tham to gather and Rub itt on ye Beef   Letitt Lay 24 hourers   turn et twice a Day   put it in a pan   a good peeice of Lamon peal a pound of Butter and Sum pump Warter   Sand it t to you oven et tis quite tender  a Spunxx lb or 2  of ye brine.  than Dran ye Gravy and ye Skins from et than put it In a morter  Harlf an ounce of Both sorts of paper  Harlf a nutmeg and grat Som Lamon peale and you may put 3 anchoves in and 2 pound of Clarifide Butter  beet itt well all to gather
  ye remains of ye potted beef  - Lett It is all fine than put itt in pots and pore clarified Butter on itt. 

114. To Cure a tonng
Whipe itt verry dry and Clean from Slime  take one ounce and harlf of Salt peter  Harlf a pound of Bay Salt  1 ounce of Sugar  2 Handfuls of Common Salt  Mix tham well all togather and Rub it well on ye tonng  Lett itt Stand 3 or fore Days than put itt in ye pickell and turn it Every Day.
Note: Potassium nitrate (saltpetre) was widely used as a thickening agent in soups and stews. It was also used to soften food and reduce cooking time when boiling beans and tough meat.

115. to make a Stofen for a Haddock or Cord
gratted Brad a Lettel Snotted margerram  a Lettel Lemon binx  a Lattel Senet papar & Salt unt? with Egg  a few horsters  his a grat  a Dish on a Lettel gratted nutmeg  a Small one takes 3 quarters  Roster? a Larger In purporshon.

116. to make Stuffen for a turkey
gratted Brad & Suet In purporshon notted margram Lemen tim papar & Salt w'nt with eggs a flew horters finld & Cot fine a Lemon gut  a Small one taks a houer & quarter Rosten.

117. Mrs Belger's to Mak Potted Beef
 a pese of ye thigh flanck his bast?  Cut et In Smal peces  Stro it all over with Salt peter   Let et Stand for 9? houers than put et In a gare or pisken coverd hover with butter hun melted   ti a paper Close over it   Let et bee put In a Sloe oven , wan Backed pecked and put In a marvel morter with a hamkory   a Lettel Clarrefied Butter ye Gravy et tis Baked In  ? Bet all this to Gather than Put et In you Potters pans  leyer'd over Clarefied Butter than et tis fit for youst 
Added Note: Spice limen meatt Cloves and Mace 

118. Mrs Chamberling's Reset for Mince Pise
 (No recipe!)

119. to Stue horsters (oysters?) Mrs Chamberling's Way
take ye horsters? Wosh tham & Stue tham In thare one Lequr with a blade of Mase a than thiken your Butter with flower  Melt it with one horsters?  than dost ye Brad Cot Corner ways Lade at ye Bottom of ye dish  than Lay your horsters over et for ye Brad to bee gust Sex.

120. to make past[ry] Mrs Belger's Way / poff past [puff pastry]
take ye Sam quanetty of Butter has floier Rob ye forth part of ye Butter In ye flower than wat et  not tue Lytle woreket but a Lettel ef you worket hard et make et large , than take et and Roll et from you  a Both Sids  than take youze Butter worket wall Beefore you put et hin your past than Lay et on ye past ?? has thin has you be  than fold et  than one ye Rolling pin & tins on Both Sids  have a pon ye past  than Roll et from you on Both Sids  Lay your Pxxx? has Before.  et his Rold hout in tins.  ye Butter Sade on on tins.
       than fold et Cut et hout with a Sharp Knife. 

 121. Canded Orangee Peals (Candied Orange Peels)
Slise In appel before et his Back pye verry good on ye guse [juice] of a Sevill orangee Squeezed In beefore et Ba? a grat a dish?

122. *a warry gud reset for ye bake each -Mrs Balger's (backache remedy)
take Som pouder of Camelmyrers flowers with xxxxx make a poltes   Lev et to your face ye Sid that etpans you et givs eas? verry Sure  Mad with Milk Like others poltes put Betwen two flanen?

123. *for a swaling - Mrs Chamberling (Remedy for a Swelllng)
 take a hand full of elderflowers Semer'd hup In milk  than Stran tham   than put in Brad has you wold to a nother poltes.  

124. Scotch Parkin
1 1/2 lb Fine Oat Meal , 1 1/2 Beat Treacle , 1/4 Butter , 1/4 Sugar - Moist , A little ground ginger.
Mix the teaspoon ful baking powder with the Oat Meal , Put in the butter than the Sugar & ginger , last the Treacle to bind all together.
Fill Cake tins 2 in deep Better for keeping two or three Months.

125. To Pickle Onions
Take a sufficient number of the smallest onions you can get and put them in Salt and Water for Nine days observing to change the water every day. Then put them into jars and pour fresh boiling salt and vinegar over them. Let them stand close covered until they are cold, then make some more salt and water and pour it boiling hot upon them. When it is cold put you onions into a hair? sieve to drain. Then put them into wide mouthed bottles and fill them up with distilled vinegar. Put into every bottle a slice or two of ginger, a blade of mace, a tea spoonful of sweet? oil, ?????? will keep the onions white, a bay leaf and as much salt as will lay on a six pence.  Cover them closely and set them in a dry place.
       September 8th 1853. 

126. To make Blacking
3 oz Ivory black, 1 oz oil vitrol , 1/4 oz Copperas?, 1/2 oz sugar candy, 1 Table spoonful Treacle, 1 Table spoonfull sweet oil, 1 qt best vinegar.
First mix the Ivory black Treacle & a little vinegar in to a paste with the whole of the oil, pound the sugar candy & copperas very fine, & when the first articles are well mixed throw in the vitrol & remainder of the vinegar. stiring all well togather, to be stopped close in a bottle & shaken before used.  . 

127. *for the Head Ach    
1/4 Oz Best Succotrine Aloes [aloes have long been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes]
1/4 Oz Best Turkey Shuboil?
1/4 Castile Soap
6 Gs Tartar Emetic
2 Sirrup Buckthorn  [Sea buckthorn syrup is very high in vitimin C]
1d Powder Liquorice

128. Rich Tomata Sauce
This sauce is excellent with fish, hot or cold, meat, pullets, game or steak & ?????? etc. etc.
Put ripe Tomatas into an earthen jar. tie it once with course brown paper and set it in an oven or over a slow fire witch they are quite soft. separate the pulp from the skins & strain it through a course hair seive. To a gallon of this put one quart of either Chili or Capsicum Vinegar. Should you not have either of these;  One quart of the best London pickling vinegar & a little lemon juice will do as well.   Boil all these together over a slow fire , three hours. or if not thick  a little longer. When cold put it into glass bottles. Cork it close and keep it in a cold place. It is for immediate use.
A little Cheyenne pepper also added is an improvement. 

129. To Make Lemon Wine 
Take your Lemons & peel them very thin   to every ten Lemons put 1 Gallon of Water pur? Measure 3lb Moist Sugar   put all your yellow peel into the Wine to. make it of a good Colour & let them Remain in for about 3 Weeks but if you find they are geting soft take them out Immediately & add what quantity of Brandy you think proper also Ising Glass dissolved in some of the Wine.

130. A Ragout of Feet and Ears
Boil the Feet and Ears very Tender then Cut the Ears in Slips takeing out the thickest Part of the Grissle and Cut the meat of from two of the Feet and Put it into a Saucepan with a Little of the Licquer they were Boild in, with Some Gravey an Anchovey three Onions    Stew them well   take out the Onions before you send them to Table  Flour up a Bitt of Butter when its a Propper Thickness Put in a Little Wallnut Pickell and half a Spoonfull  of Mustard   Split the Other two feet and Rub them Over with Yolk of Egg and Flower them Basting them with Butter in a Dutch Oven before the Fire when you Dish the up Put the Ragout in the Middle of the Dish and Garnish them with the four Peices of Feet.

131. Kings hunting Beef
Rub a round of Beef with Saltpetre & let it lay all night then beat a quarter of a pound of Alspice  the same quantity of Pepper  mix it with a quart of Salt & rub it on the beef  keep it rubed every day for a fortnight then wash it off & cover it over with Suet cut fine then put a paste over it to keep it close & bake it 7 hours put it in the Oven when the large Bread goes in ------- S Leek-------

132. Preserved Rhubarb
Pick a pound of the finest rhubarb and cut it in pieces of 2 miles in length  add 3/4 of a pound of white sugar and the rind and Juice of 1 lemon - the rind to be cut in narrow strips. Put all into a preserving kettle and simmer gently until the rhubarb is quite soft,  take it out carefully with a silver spoon and put it into then boil the syrup a sufficient time to make it keep well, lay an hour and pour it over the fruit. When cold put a paper soaked in brandy over it, and tie the jars down with a bladder to exclude the air,  
          From the Family Friend
Note; The Family Friend was a magazine published in book form in England for much of the 19th century. It was a compendium of articles considered entertaining and useful, and was aimed mainly at the housewife of the day. (Wikipedia)

133. Strawberry (knitting pattern)
Cast on 54 stitches etc. etc. 

134.Lemon Cream
1 Pint of water get the rind of two lemons  Let it lay in water all night  put to your taste the juce of (sugar) three lemons the yolks with whites of 6 eggs set it on the fire  stir it till thick as Cream then put it in your glasses.                  Miss Buckell

135. To Pickell Wallnuts
Take Take Wallnuts before they are sheld, Put them in Salt and Water for Nine or ten Days Changeing the Water once in three Days, then take and Prick them with a Pin, boil your Vinegar and Put it on them Boiling Hot, and Let them Stand ten Days or a Fortnight, then Pour that vinegar away, and Boil Some more, with some Mustard Seeds and Sharlots and Horseradish, Pepper Ginger & salt, and Pour on them Boiling Hott. 

136. X Gallon and 28 Gallons of Grape Wine (made Oct 16th 1847)
126 lbs Grapes with the Stalks -- 3d                                     £1-11-6
35 1/2 lbs Lump sugar           6 1/2d                                   19-3
18 1/2 lbs  Lump Sugar         6d                                          9-3
3 Pints Brandy Decr 8 with the finings                                      6-9

154 lbs Grapes with the stalks                                             £1-18-6
77 lbs Lump Sugar - 6d                                                     1-18-6
1 Gall Brandy put in when drawn off Decr 8                                17-0
1/2 Oz Isinglass decr 8                                                           6
1 Quart Brandy & 1/2 Oz Isinglass put in
when drawn off Decr 8                                                            4-9
3 lbs Sugar Candy - 9d                                                          2-3
12 Dz Casks   (WF-1-
     ----   ditto ---
F by 17  G King Bottling                                                     2-6

Bottled Feby 17-/48
Produced 10 Doz Quarts 4 1/2 Dz Pints

137. 28 Gallons of Grape Wine (made Oct 10th 1845)
Paid for by W F--

70 lbs Lump sugar - 7 1/2d                                                   £2- 3-9
4 lbs sugar Candy 9d                                                                 3-0
11 Dz Corks---4/- Dz                                                               3-6
Grapes   £5-15-3
             4- 3-9

Produced 12 1/2 Dz  Wine 9/3   £5-15-7 1/2
bottled Feby 12 1846

126 lbs Wt Grapes with the stalks                                               £1-11-6
6  lbs Blk juice    Do   Do                                                           3-0
70 lbs  Lump sugar                                                                  2- 3-9
1 Galln Brandy put in Nov 3/45                                                  17-0
C. Wood Picking & Bruising Grapes                                                4-6
Winch Work to Barrell                                                                  6
1 Quart Brandy put in Jan 7                                                         4-3
Corks                                                                                      3-6
4 lbs sugar candy put in with 1/2 Oz Isinglass - Decr 11th                      3-0
1/2 Oz Isinglass put when drawn off second time Jan 7                            1-0
Paid G King for Bottling Feby 12/46                                              2-6
3 Dz  Corks                                                                                9

 138. Wine making price list      
 3 1/4 Dz Bottles 1/6d      4-10 1/2
Washing 7 1/4                  1-3
                                     6-1 1/2

Paid for by W F.
77 lbs Sugar - 6d-             £1-18-6
3 lbs Sugar  - 9d-                  2-3

   10 Dz Quarts
    4 1/2 Pints   

139. Rusks
One Pound of Flour, a Large table Spoonfull or two of Powder of Loaf Sugar, two Spoonfuls of thick Yest,  melt a quarter of a Pound Butter, Melt it  in a Little Milk  Let it Stand till Nearly Cold then Put it to the Flour & Sugar  Mix it all well with your hand and Sett it before the fire  to rise  Make them into Small Loaves or Cakes  Prick them with a fork

 140. to Pickell Wallnuts                                                                       
Take Wallnuts before they are Shelld  put them in Salt & Water for Nine or Ten Days Changeing the Water once in three Days, then Prick them with a Pin  boil your Vinegar and Put it on them Boiling Hott and Let them stand ten Days or a fortnight then Pour that vinegar away and Boil Some more with some Mustard Seed & Horseradish Sharlots Pepper ginger & Salt and Pour on them Boiling Hott.  Note; This is the same recipe as 135 and in the same hand.

141. English Maderia
To 14 Gallons of water add 42 lb of moist sugar  2 gallons of the strongest ale  when it is about to be turned 16 lb of Sun raisins, boil the Sugar and Water 20 Minutes then pour it into a tub & when nearly cold put the raisins in picked & choped & when quite cold put in the ale  let it stand 8 Days  then put it in a Cask, add 2 quarts of brandy 1 lb of Sugar candy  1 lb of bitter almonds blanched & choped, and a little Isinglass to stand as long or longer when it is fit for use.

142. Untitled recipe using eggs whisked with orange flowers, lemon and flour
Take the Whites of for Eggs, and put to them three spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, beat them with a  whisk for half an hour , than put in one pound of Loaf -sugar sifted, grat'd into it the the nine of a Lemons, and half the juice, then put in the yolks of fore Eggs  beat smooth, beat all well together and just before you set it in the Oven stir in three quarters of a pound of fine flour,  Butter your pan.

143. Finings for a Pipe of Wine    - Mr Richd Lambe
Dissolve two ounces of Isinglass , & the Whites & shells of six fresh eggs:  beat them well up together with a whisk in a can, & add to them a gill of marble sand; after which manage it as you do other finings for Wine.

Note: a pipe (from Portuguese 'pipa') is a large, lengthy barrel with tapered ends probably containing about 550 litres (145 gallons).
I would say take the Whites & shells of six or eight new laid eggs & a small handful os salt , beat it together to a froth & mix it with a little of the Wine then pour it into the Cask again   Stir it about & let it have vent for three days ; after which bung it up & in a few days it will be fine. 

144. French Polish (1)
1 Pint Spirits Wine
1 Oz Seed Lac-
1 Oz Gum Juniper
1 Oz Tincture of Guaicum X?
2 Drams Muryh
1/2 a Gill of Linseed Oil 

145. French Polish (2)
The same (as 144) but Gum instead of Tincture which is far superior.
2 Drams Gum Guaicum X
and no Myrhh
Note: Gum guaicum, or guaiac resin, is a substance produced from the tree species Guaiacum

146. Prepared Spirits
1/4 Pint Spirits Wine
x 7 Dram Tincture Benzoin
1 Dram Shellac

x 3/4 Dram Gum is much the best
Note: Benzoin is the sap (gum resin) of trees that belong to the Styrax species.

147. Orange Wine
Take ten Oranges to a gallon of water  wine  measure three lb of moist Sugar  boil the water and let it stand till cold, the juice of the Oranges must be squeezd and put in the Bol?  wash the pulp well that you may get all the goodness out of it, pealing the rind of a qr of a Hundred out of one hundred of Orang and put two qr of boiling water to it and when cold put it in the Barral.

Recipes & Remedies (Black Book)

148. Boiled Custard for Soup 
149. Balls for Clear Soup
150. Milk rolls for breakfast
151. Beef Roll
152. Pickles - Preserving Eggs - Mrs Jacques receipt (February1903)
153. Tomato Pickle - from Oakham (July 1903)
154. Tarragon Sauce
155. Vermecelli Souffle (1934)
156. Puddings - Snow Eggs
157. Cake Icing
158. French Pancake
159. Prune Jelly
160. Syrup for Fruit
161. Compote of chestnuts with Kirsch
162. Fritters of Macaroon
163. Beignets (French Recipe)
169. Meringue
170. Mousseline Pudding (June 1902)
171. Christmas Pudding (1921)
172. Cheese Pudding
173. Snow Cake
174. Scones (1899)
175. Flat-Jacks
176. Cakes - Tea Cake (Feb 22nd 1899)
177. Sponge Cakes
178. Walnut Cake
179. Oatmeal Biscuits
180. Cocoanut Pyramids
181. Orange Cake
182. Ring Cakes
183. Cream of Macaroons with Noyeau
184. Vanilla Custard in Pots (no recipe shown)
185. Ginger bread
186. Chocolate Cake
187. Icing for Chocolate Cake
188. Gingerbread
189. Ribbon Cake (Aug 1904)
190. Mince Meat (1909)
191. Dough Nuts
192. Peppermint Creams
193. Gingerbread
194. Snow-Cake
195. Prince Puckler's Cream
196. Coffee Custard Pudding a'la Turque
197. Marmalade Cake
198. Apple Jelly
199. Mint Jelly
200. Hors d'erves 
201. Sauce Hollondaise
202. Marrow Jam (31/3/1953) from Marjory Melville
203. Jams - Orange Marmalade (recipe crossed through)
204. Marmalade - MrsPearson's receipt (copied March 1902)
205. Vegetable Marrow Ginger (Bessie E) (Oct 26th 1902)
206. Rhubarb Jam
207. Untitled Recipe using Marrow
208. Stewed Pears
209. Cucumber Soup
210. Potted Beef (Brawn)
211. Stewed Red Cabbage
212. Stewed Sour(?) Beef - Copied August 1900
213. To garnish a dish of cutlet etc. - Endive puree
214. Celere - au jnd(?) & a' la Creme
215. Lobster Cutlets (1902) 

The Recipes & Remedies in this book/blog are for use as a historical record only.

148. Boiled Custard for Soup 
Yolks of 3 eggs & the white of of one . add one gill of clear soup & a salt spoon of salt  whisk stock & eggs together . Take a small gallipot butter inside pour the mixture in  cover over with peice of paper tied down with string then steam? it , let the water simmer not boil for 20 mins . When cool turn out & cut in dice (a box i/4 in x 1/4 in drawn here).
                                                                                            Sept 1900

149. Balls for Clear Soup
A cup of bread crumbs
salt & nutmeg to taste
Mix with the yolks of 2 eggs & whites beaten xxxxx & a small piece of butter.

150. Milk rolls for breakfast
Put 1/2 pound of best flour in good sized basin  make a hole in the middle add 1/2 oz of German yeast, 1oz of butter a tea spoonful of sugar & 1/2 dito of salt over which pour 3 large wine glass fuls of luke warm milk. Mix the whole by degrees with yr hand (using a little more flour) until forming a stiffish paste  form the whole in a ball  which cover with clean cloth & sit 1/2 an hour to rise. Flour board  cut the paste & mould about the size of an egg   egg over with paste brush. Time the baking 10 mins.

151. Beef Roll
1 lb Beef Steak
1/2 lb Bacon or Ham
1/2 lb Bread crumbs , Pepper & Salt to taste & a little grated nutmeg
Mince meat & put in a basin with bread crumbs etc.  mix it together with a beaten egg & add 1/2 cup of milk  Make in a roll on paste board , roll up & put in saucepan of boiling water & simmer for 2 hours.  

152. Pickles - Preserving Eggs - Mrs Jacques receipt (February1903)
Put 1 pint of unslacted lime into a pail of water & stir it frequently for two days .  Pour off the clear water & put sufficient salt into it to make a fresh egg float .  Put in the eggs daily  as they are laid , they will keep for months .   In a cool place Large earthenware glased pans are the best to preserve eggs in.    Feb/03
                                  Mrs Jacques receipt

153. Tomato Pickle - from Oakham (July 1903)
1 Peck of green tomatres , 1/2 peck spanish onions , 2 lbs of Apples (sour) , 1 bottle of Capsicums , 1/4 lb of Raisins , 3 lbs of brown Sugar , 1 oz Ground Cinnamon , 1 oz Ground Cloves , 1 oz of Ground  allspice , 1 oz of Ground Coreander Seed , 1 oz of Ground Ginger , 1/2 oz Turmeric , 1 oz Celery Seed , 1 oz Mustard Seed , 1 Gallon Vinegar , Salt & a little Worcester Sauce , Migninetti Pepper.
Finely Slice the tomatres ; onions; apples; capsicums & stone raisins    Put these in a stone jar or pan  layer of tomatres etc. & a layer of salt till all is used . let this remain 24 hrs then pour off the liquor  Put in fruits from pan all the spices  boil this together for 2 hours , when cool chop it all quite fine & tie down in a large stone jar for future use. 
                                      from Oakham  July 1903

154. Tarragon Sauce
Melt 1 oz butter , stir in 1/2 oz flour until free from lumps  add 1/4 pt of milk  stir until it boils .      Finally add 20-30 drops of tarragon & vinegar .
This sauce is excellent addition to cauliflower & flavour is unique .

155. Vermecelli Souffle (1934)
Vermecille; Sweet Milk; Onions; Thyme; Parsley; White pepper; Anchovy Sauce - A butter'd souffle' dish in final baking . 
Method: Boil enough vermecelli in a pint of milk & thicken the milk as for a pudding, flavour the milk with a small piece of onion etc. to be taken out when milk is sufficiently seasoned . Have 2 or 3 yolks of eggs separated from whites . Beat the yolks slightly & mix into milk & V[ermecelli] when cooked .  Have a souffle' dish nicely buttered , mix a little gr. white pepper & a little anchovy sauce to flavour . - then add some finely chopped parsley , & put all into the souffle' dish hot    Mix in the whipped whites of eggs & put in f. hot oven till it has risen , then serve at once.             Nov 12th/34
156. Puddings - Snow Eggs
Take 3 eggs  separate the whites & beat the whites to stiff froth with sugar to taste , then with a table spoon ( previously dipped in boiling water )  take a spoonful  ( heaped up ) lay in boiling milk ( a pint ) which is flavoured with vanilla when cooked 3 minutes put these on hair sieve to drain .  Pour the milk into the yolks beaten up & let it cook until it thickens . A tea spoonful of cornflower added to custard keeps it from curdling .

157. Cake Icing
2 lbs of Icing Sugar , 4 whites of egg , Juice of 2 lemons . (1/4 measures also shown)
Rub the sugar thro a hair sieve into a basin, make a well in the sugar  pour in the whites of egg & lemon juice  work these all well together well, a wooden spoon till quite soft .  Put 2 layers of the icing with a knife which must be dipped from time to time in water to prevent sticking . The 3rd layer must be clear icing made thus 
1 lb of loaf sugar x 1/2 pint of water boiled together for 15 to 20 minutes , reduced to a syrup . Stir in a basin till nearly cold 7 pour over the cakes . When dry ornament with 1st icing thro a xxxxx. 
158. French Pancake
Beat two eggs thoroughly & put them in a basin with 2 oz of butter beaten to a cream  then add 2 oz of sifted sugar  & 2 oz of flour . When all is well mixed add 1/2 pint of new milk stir & beat mixture for a few moments.  Pour the same on butxxx or saucers & bake in brisk oven from 15-20 minutes . Serve while hot with jam between . 

159. Prune Jelly
Stew 1/2 a lb of prunes about 2 hours in pint of water . sugar to taste rind of half a lemon  turn out & stone ,  return to saucepan with gelatine previously soaked in cold water   simmer altogether 20 minutes  when nearly cold, put in mould to set .  Must be nearly cold or fruit will sink to bottom of mould . a wine glass of brandy or marsal improves flavor.

160. Syrup for Fruit
6 lbs fruit , 3 lbs of sugar , 3 teacups of water .
Boil sugar for ten minutes only put in fruit & boil till done . 

161. Compote of chestnuts with Kirsch
Choose 30 chestnuts take off brown skins  put them in warm water over the fire for a minute or two  & when getting hot take them out & peel off red skins   Make a pint of weak syrup: pt of water  ten oz of sugar & the zest of a lemon .  arrange chestnuts on the surface of a roomy? saute'-pan  pour in syrup just enough to cover & simmer gently in 20 20 mins .  drain them & arrange in glass dish .  Strain syrup in clean pan add a sherry-glass of Kirsch with the juice of half a lemon  boil it down till it coats the spoon : cool  pour it over the chestnuts  set dish in a cold place .    slow cooking is necessary to keep chestnuts whole.  

162. Fritters of Macaroon
Soak 4 oz of macaroons just enough to soften . Put in bowl & break in 4 eggs ; mix and add 1 oz of sugar  juice and rind of 1 lemon & a tablespoonful of finely minced green citron . Mix to a paste & spread on a slab 3/8 of an inch thick   when firm cut with oval cutter   egg  ,  flour & roll in sifted crushed ratafias  & dip in boiling fat   serve with apricot syrup  sauce.

163. Beignets (French Recipe)
Put in saucepan 1 tumblerful of cold water a grains of salt, 1 oz of sugar as much butter  & rasped lemon peel.  When boiling take it off the fire throw in by degrees enough flower to produce a nice thick paste , about a teacupful. Put it back on the fire stiring briskly all the time so that it is very smooth & does not stick to the saucepan , a few minutes will do it --- then let it get cool , break in it one lg? egg , stirring quickly all the time , then another until it can be worked , that is to say , until it very slowly leaves the spoon quite clean when you raise it above the saucepan ; then you put in the white of one egg beaten up like hard snow in all 3 or  4 eggs & the white of another . If you have time let it rest 2 hours .  Put some frying stuff in yr pan ; take some paste the size of a walnut with a spoon , drop it in the butter with the end of yr finger .  It will swell very much if the butter not too hot at first .  Repeat this , take out those that are done till the paste is all used .  Sprinkle sugar over & serve it hot .  They can  also be eaten cold . 

169. Meringue
Whites of 3 eggs . whisk them to a stiff froth & with a wooden spoon stir in quickly a quarter  7 half a quarter of white sifted sugar (caster) .  Put some boards? in the oven thick enough to prevent the bottom of the meringues getting too much colour? .  Cut some strips of paper , giving them the shape of an egg ; keeping each meringue about 2 inches apart .  Strew over some sifted sugar & bake in a moderate oven for half an hour .  When they begin to colour remove them  take each slip of paper by the two ends & turn it gently on the table , & with a small spoon take out the soft part .  Spread some clean paper turn the meringues upside down & put them in the oven to harden .  Then fill with whipped cream sufficient just flavoured with vanilla & sweetened with sugar .  Put 2 halves together & serve .

170. Mousseline Pudding (June 1902)
2 oz of butter  , 2 oz of sugar , 4 eggs , juice & rind of 1 lemon .
Put the butter  sugar & yolks of three eggs , lemon juice & grated  put in a stewpan  -  stir over the fire till it becomes thick  then add the yolk of the other egg  pass all thro a hair sieve then whip the 4 whites & add them .    Steam 20 minutes. 

171. Christmas Pudding (1921)
1 1/2 lb Raisins; 1 lb Currants; Eggs; 1/2 lb Sultanas; 1/2 lb Peel (mixed) ; 1/2 pd Breadcrumbs; 1/2 lb flour; 1 Nutmeg (grated); 1 lb Suet; 1/2 pt of milk; 6 oz sifted sugar; 3 oz Almonds (Gd); 1/2 tea spoon ful; 1 wine glass brandy; ginger (peeled); 1 lemon peel (grated).
Cover all in basin with b. paper.   Boil in boiling water for 9 5 hours altogether   Makes 3 puddings or 4 small ones.
& now put 1 lb of Sultanas & only 1/2 currants & cover each pudding with grease proof paper & then cloth    taking off cloths put in again when wanted . Four hours & boil & 1 hour after x day its wanted.

172. Cheese Pudding
1 Tea-cup of bread crumbs; 1 Tea-cup grated cheese; 1 egg; 1/2 pint milk; 1 oz butter or magerine; pepper & salt .  Warm the milk & butter.  Mix altogether & let it stand for an hour before baking gently until set & brown.                          E. Peake's recipe 
173. Snow Cake
1 lb Arrow root; 8 oz Loaf Sugar; 8 oz Fresh butter; Whites of 7 eggs; Flavoring of Essence of Lemon.
Beat 8 oz of fresh butter to a cream before the fire & add the sugar pounded (or castor sugar) & the arrow root , beating the mixture all the time . When well mixed stir in the whites of eggs  whisk it to a stiff froth & essence of lemon to taste . Again whisk the mixture for nearly 1/2 an hour .
Pour it into a buttered d[ish] & bake in moderately heated oven.   Time 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours.

174. Scones (Feb 20th 1899)
Ing: 4 ozs Flour;  2 oz Butter;  1 Teaspoonful Baking Powder; a little , a pinch of sugar , a little milk to mix with a yolk of an egg or part of it.
Make into a stiff ball  roll out once cut into shapes . brush over the top with the remains of the egg .  Bake 10 min. in quick oven .

175. Flat-Jacks
3/4 lb Quick Quaker Oats , 1/2 lb magarine (not lard or butter) , 6 oz demerara sugar .
Melt marg : & sugar in saucepan  be careful not to overheat . Pour on to oats in basin . Stir well . Put into flat greased tin . Mark with a knife where it will be cut into squares when cold or it will break up . Bake 20 mins in moderated oven .

176. Cakes - Tea Cake (Feb 22nd 1899)
Ingredients. - 2 lbs of flour , 1 small teaspoonful of salt , 2 tablespoonfuls of white sugar ,  2 oz of butter , 2 oz of lard , 1 egg , 1/2 oz of German yeast , 1/2 pint about of warm milk on water .
Method .  Put the yeast into a little of the warm not hot milk or water & stand it in a warm place for a few minutes to rise.  See that the flour is quite dry  & well    mix it with sugar & salt , then rub in the butter & lard .  Well beat the egg , stir it into the yeast which should be strained - & mix these with the flour , adding as much warm milk or water as will make it into a smooth paste ; knead it well ,  cover with a cloth & set near the fire for 1/2 an hour or till well risen , then form into round cakes   place them on tins , let them rise again  before putting into the oven & bake in mod[erate] heat from 15 to 30 min .  When partly cooked , draw them to the oven door , & brush over with a little milk & sprinkle with sugar then close the oven till they are done .  Cut in slices , toast and butter them .
Note :  All the sugar may be omitted from the recipe if quite plain cakes are desired . 

177. Sponge Cakes
The wights of four eggs in flour & 6 in caster sugar , beat 6 eggs in a basin over a pan of warm water with the sugar till it becomes just warm then stir in the flour gradually & flavor with lemon . 

178. Walnut Cake
1/4 lb of Vienna? Flour , 1/2 pd of Caster Sugar , 1/2 lb of Butter , 8 eggs , 1/2 pd of Walnuts , 1 teaspoonful of Baking Powder , 1 tea[spoonful] of Vanilla Essence .
Beat butter & sugar to a cream , then add flour sifted & mix well ; add the walnuts (chopped in half) & lastly the whites only of the 8 eggs whipped to a stiff froth. 
Bake in a moderate oven. 1 hour.  

179. Oatmeal Biscuits
5 oz of flour , 7 oz of oatmeal , 1 1/2 oz of castor sugar , 4 oz of butter , 2 eggs , 1/4 teaspoonful of baking powder .
Mix flour , oatmeal , baking powder & sugar together   melt butter  pour in & then add eggs well beaten   Roll out into paste about 1/4 inch in thickness  cut in rounds & bake in a brisk oven till a bright brown color .

180. Cocoanut Pyramids
Grate the cocoanut very fine  mix with it powdered white sugar to taste . then add the whites of two well beaten eggs , put in little heaps on a well buttered tin . Put in a coll oven all night .  Slightly brown in a warm oven.

181. Orange Cake
Two eggs , their weight in butter sugar & flour , rind of one orange grated & half the juice 1/2 teaspoonful of baking powder.
Stir the castor sugar & butter together In 5 minutes    then add one egg & part of the flour ;  when nicely mixed the other egg & remainder of flour by degrees ,  the juice & rind of orange lastly sprinkle in the baking powder .    Put into a tin lined with buttered paper & bake 20 to 50 [or 30?] mins .     When the cake is cold ice with French icing   1/2 lb of icing sugar worked well with the juice.   

182. Ring Cakes
The weight of two eggs in butter , sugar, 1/4 lb almonds , & 3 [or 9?] in flour  a rind of lemon or orange according to taste .  Mix in with the butter that has been beaten to a cream , sugar & flour by degrees  then part of the almonds (ground) this? stiff paste mixed with the yolks of 2 eggs   has to be rolled out & cut by paste cutters  [here a drawing of one small circle inside another]  then whisk it over with yolk of 2nd egg  the remaining almonds to be finely chopped & sprinkled on .     Baked in a brisk oven .

183. Cream of Macaroons with Noyeau
Boil 3 gills of milk , flavoring with almond essence , let this get cold ; now beat 3 whole eggs & one yolk extra in a bowl with 2 ounces of sugar  , using a whisk & passing in the flavored milk . Put the bowl over a stewpan containing boiling boiling water 7 stir over the fire until the custard begins to form.

184. Vanilla Custard in Pots (no recipe shown)
Title only - no recipe is shown below it.

185. Ginger bread
1 lb Flour , 1 lb Treacle , 3 oz butter , 1 oz ginger , 2 eggs , 1/4 oz of carbonate of soda mixed with a little warm milk .

186. Chocolate Cake
1/2 lb grated chocolate , 1/4 lb flour , 1/2 lb butter , 2 oz of ground rice , 6 oz castor sugar , 1 teaspoonful baking powder , 4 eggs  & vanilla flavouring.
Beat the butter & sugar to a cream - add the grated chocolate previously dissolved in a tablespoonful of milk sufficient to make into a smooth paste ; add the yolks of eggs one by one mixing each carefully . Mix the flour , ground rice & baking powder together , sift them thro a sieve , stir them gradually into the chocolate & eggs .  Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth , & stir in lightly last of all   Pour the mixture into a cake-tin lined with buttered paper & bake in mod[erate] oven .  

187. Icing for Chocolate Cake
To be put on after the the cake is made.  
1/2 lb of icing sugar to 1 oz of grated choc .  Mix the chocolate in 2 tablespoonfuls of cold milk till quite smooth - boil to a paste - then add the add the icing sugar previously dissolved in 2 tablespoons of warm water . Boil all together  - pour very carefully over the top of the cake when cool .

188. Gingerbread
1 £ flour  1/2 £ Oatmeal fine  1/2 £ T[r]eacle  1/2 £ Sugar  Egg  1 teaspoonful of baking powder  1/2 spoonful Cream Tarter  1/4 £ butter  1/2 oz of Ginger  The butter Sugar  Treacle to be put into a saucepan    When Melted put with the other ingredients   put into a fire bake it until brown .  

189. Ribbon Cake (Aug 1904)
3/4 lb of Flour , 3/4 lb Caster Sugar , 1/2 lb butter , 6 eggs , 1 teaspoonful baking powder.         Mix in usual way then divide in 3 portions    Colour pink with cochineal , one with chocolate powder or cocoa , the one left flavour with vanilla essence .  First put white in baking tin , then chocolate & pink on top.        (Aug 1904)

190. Mince Meat (1909)
2 lb large raisins , 2 lb sultanas , 2 lb currants , 1 lb mixed peel , 1/4 lb almonds , 1 lb sifted sugar , rind & juice of 2 lemons , 2 lb suet , 2 lb apples , 2 nutmegs , 1/2 pint of brandy .
191. Dough Nuts
3/4 lb of flour , 1 1/2 teaspoonful B. Powder , 3 ozs of Butter , 4 ozs Sugar , 2 Eggs , 3 Tablespoons milk , Lard for frying .
Rub butter into the flour then add Sugar  Baking Powder , then add the eggs beaten & milk make a paste and then cut into rings & fry in boiling Lard . Serve very hot & Sprinkle some Castor Sugar over them .
192. Peppermint Creams
3/4 lb Icing Sugar , 1 teaspoonful of Ess[ence] of Peppermint , 1 white of an egg .
Mix all thoroughly with the egg white    must be previously beaten , roll up in a Ball   have ready some greased kitchen paper & cut with a cutter . Put to dry on a flat board .

193. Gingerbread
6 ozs Flour , 4 ozs Butter or Marg . 2 ozs Brown Sugar . 2 Tablespoonfuls of Treacle . 1 Teaspoonful Mixed spice , 1 Teaspoonful Ginger , 1 Teaspoonful Baking Powder . 1 Teaspoonful Carbonate Soda to be dissolved in a teacup of Boiling Water and poured in on treacle . Mix well together and bake in a Moderate Oven for half an hour.

194. Snow-Cake         (Time  1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours)
1 lb Arrowroot , 1/2 lb Loaf Sugar , 1/2 lb Fresh butter , Whites of seven eggs , Flavouring of Essence of Lemon .
Beat 8 oz fresh butter to a cream before the fire and add the sugar pounded , the arrowroot , beating the mixture all the time . When well mixed stir in the whites of eggs whisked to stiff froth & the essence of lemon to your taste . Again whisk the mixture for nearly 1/2 an hour , Pour it into a buttered tin and Bake it in a moderately heated oven . 

195. Prince Puckler's Cream
Put 1 pint of gelatin in thick cream in a basin & stand on ice till quite cold . Then beat to a froth  add a very little vanilla & 3 oz of white sugar , 1/2 lb of macaroons cut in very small pieces . When the whole is thoroughly mixed put in a bowl that has been rinsed out with cold water then stand the mould on ice .  When mixture is quite frozen dip the mould in hot water for [a] second only , turn the whole on a dish when it will be ready to use .   When ice is not obtainable , 3 or 4 sheets of gelatine will be necessary to cream stiff .  

196. Coffee Custard Pudding a'la Turque
Make a p[in]t of coffee custard thus : Roast 4 oz of coffee berries over a low fire in a saute pan lubricated with 1/2 oz of butter . Boil 3/4 pt of milk  take it off the the fire  empty the newly roasted berries into it & let them thus soak covered up in a warm place for about an hour . Strain & turn milk to custard with 4 eggs with an oz of sugar .  Strain this .  Choose a pint bxdx [bundt?] mould  butter it well  line with crushed ratafias  pour in custard & steam gently .   Let it get cold then turn out & glaze with diluted apricot jam , fill hollow with preserved cherries & send apricot sauce in a boat separately :  Put 3 table spoon fuls of jam in a gill of water , with a liquer glass of rum , boil , pass thro a strainer & let it get cold .

197. Marmalade Cake
Six oz Flour , 2 oz butter , 2 oz Castor Sugar , 2 Eggs , 1 1/2 tablespoons Carb[onate] Soda , 1/2 teaspoon of Cream of Tartar .
Mix butter sugar & eggs together & other ingredients   gradually work into the mixture .  Bake in a quick oven .

198. Apple Jelly
Six apples allow 3 pints of water . To every quart of juice allow 14 lbs of sugar - the juice of 1/2 a lemon .
Pare , cut & core the apples in slices  put them in a jar with water in the above proportion .
Place them in a cool oven with the jar well covered & when juice is thoroughly drawn & apples are quite soft strain them through a jelly bag .  To every quart of juice allow 2 lbs of loaf sugar which should be crushed to small lumps & put in preserving pan with juice .
Boil these together for rather more than 1/2 hour  remove scum as it rises  add the lemon juice just before it is done & put into pots.
Time : The apples to be put in over night & left till morning rather more than 1/2 hour to boil jelly . 

199. Mint Jelly
Cut and quarter any quantity of apples (as for jelly)   Cover well with vinegar and boil till tender . Strain , and to every pint of liquid add one pound preserving sugar and boil to a jelly .
To every pint of jelly add one table spoonfull of finely chopped fresh mint .

200. Hors d'erves
Cut of a slice of stale bread  a quarter of an inch thick  stamp out rounds with a 2 inch cutter; fry these a golden color & let them set cold after drying in mouth of oven.  Mixture as follows:  Put in mortar 2 oz of fresh cream cheese, 1 oz of butter, six fillets of anchovies freed from oil, six capers, a teaspoon of made mustard & a seasoning of salt & Nepaul pepper : pound well moistening with enough cream to bring mixture to the consistency of jam,  pass thro a hair sieve, spread on the fried croutes smoothing the surface of each with palette knife dipped in warm water ; garnish the top of each with an olive fancie? & scatter some well dried garden cress over all . 

201. Sauce Hollondaise
For each person 1 oz of butter & the yoke of one egg must be allowed , it is a sauce which must be carefully made or will be spoiled .  Take 4 tablespoons of French vinegar & put in a brass or copper saucepan  one or 2 bay leaves broken in small pieces , about 6 bl[ac]k & white peppercorns crushed .   Place the saucepan on the fire & let the vinegar boil fast until reduced to half the quantity , then add raw yokes of 3 eggs stirring the sauce with wooden spoon  stand the pan in one with boiling water & continue to stir till as thick as well made mayonnaise   If the yolks of egg are added to vinegar when its too hot the sauce will curdle & be quite spoiled .
 When made as it should be this sauce is excellent with any boiled fish or asparagus .

202. Marrow Jam (31/3/1953) from Marjory Melville (pasted into book)
2 lbs Marrow cut into small cubes , 2 lbs sugar , juice & rind of 2 lemons , 2 ozs bruise ginger.
Put cubed marrow in preserving pan & cover with sugar , leave over-night.
Boil very gently for 2 hours with the lemon juice & rind & the bruised ginger in a muslin bag.  The cubes must be quite clear? & it mahe? take longer than 2 hours , 5 mins:  before you take it off add 1/2 an oz of Tartaric acid dissolved in a little warm water. 

203. Jams - Orange Marmalade (recipe crossed through)
2 doz oranges , 4 lemons.
Cut the oranges very fine putting in every thing except the core & pips , weigh , & to every lb. of fruit put a quart of cold water   let it steep for 24 hours , then boil for about one hour till tender then measure & to every pint put 1 lb of preserving sugar , boil until firm , about 2 hours .

204. Marmalade - Mrs Pearson's receipt (copied March 1902)
12 Seville oranges , 3 Lemons , 3 Sweet Oranges.
Pip the oranges & lemons & squeeze the juice & pulp into a basin , adding 1/2 a pint of water to each orange & lemon (9 pints to this quantity)   Cut up the peel very thin & throw all together into the basin & leave to soak 48 hours , the pips should be put separately in a jug with 1/2 pint of water deducted from above quantity .   Weigh this out & bring slowly to the boil , then add 1 lb of sugar to every lb of fruit , then boil all together . 

205. Vegetable Marrow Ginger (Bessie E) (Oct 26th 1902)
4 lbs of marrow pared & cut into squares = (a square drawn here 3/4 inch sides)   1 pint of boiling water 1/2 brown sugar :  Put water to sugar then add marrow & let it stand for 2 days.  Drain off the liquor   to every 4 lb of fruit, add 4 lbs of loaf sugar , 3 oz ginger  whole but bruised , 1/2 teaspoonful of cayenne   these 2 last ingredients tied up in a muslin bag ; the juice  & peel of 2 lemons , a wine glass of gin & boil about 5 hours   When nearly done pour in gin to clear it (gin is optional) .                                (Oct 26th 1902) 

206. Rhubarb Jam
4 1/2 lbs of sugar to 6 lbs of rhubarb  1 small pineapple cut up in small discs   boil all together for an hour , longer if old rhubarb.

207. Untitled Recipe using Marrow (in pencil - may relate to 205)
3 lbs marrow , 3/4 pt water ,  3/4 brown sugar.
Put to stand in larder?   xxx x xx xx  Set a to  Leave 2 days   bruise 3 oz ginger  1/2 T spoon cayenne    juice & peel 2 lemons.

208. Stewed Pears
Peel 6 large pears or 12 small ones    Put them into a tin sauce pan with covered lid .  Cover pears with water  12 cloves & peel of a small lemon  12 lumps of sugar .  Cover pears with their own peel & put a piece of paper on top to prevent air getting in .   Steam 4 hours or more but do not uncover till quite cold or it will discolour them.

209. Cucumber Soup
Pare split & empty about eight well grown but not old cucumbers , those that have the fewest seeds are the best ; throw a little salt over them , & leave them for an hour to drain ; then put them with 2 mild onions (only the white part) in a very clean stewpan   cover them with 1 1/2 inches pale but good veal stock & stew them gently until they are perfectly tender which will be about an hour .   Work the whole thro a hair sieve & add to it as much stock as will be required for table , as the cucumbers will not thicken it   add when it boils a little arrowroot or rice flour as will bring it to a good consistence ; add 3/4 pint of boiling cream & serve the soup immediately .  Salt & cayenne sufficient to flavor it should be thrown over the cs. while stewing . The yolks of six eggs mixed with a dessert spoonful of chili  vinegar may be used in this soup instead of cream 3 dessert spoonfuls of minced parsley may then be strewed in a couple of mins . before they are added it must not be allowed to boil after they are stirred in.

210. Potted Beef (Brawn)
8 lbs Shins of Beef cut in slices salted on each side (bones too) sprinkle each piece with saltpetre  let it remain 24 hours    Take out of dish & put in a jar or crock bones & all  cover it with water & bake it all night    strain the liquor from the meat & beat it all up till quite smooth bones & all   mix with the meat 2 nutmegs grated & pepper to taste   when well beaten pour the liquor over it & stir then put in a mould & serve when cold - do as you are told.

211. Stewed Red Cabbage
Take a moderate sized Cabbage  remove the outer rough leaves & then slice it very thinly    Wash well  take gently out of water not draining very dry .  Put into a saucepan without any more water than the cabbage contains , peel & core 3 large juicy apples which cut in quarters & place closely on the cabbage  -  about 2 oz of butter & one tea spoonful of brown sugar or a little more if apples are sour cover closely down & place over a very slow fire for 4 hours stirring occasionally to prevent it burning    just before dishing up pour in 1 dessert spoonful of vinegar.

212. Stewed Sour(?) Beef - Copied August 1900
Take 6 lbs of lean beef a square thick piece , the part used for roasting - but not the silver side being too hard for stewing .
Place in a pan for 2 days , pour about 1 pint of vinegar over the beef   turn it once or twice each day . Third day place on a chopping board & make incisions with sharp-pointed knife as many as size will permit ;  cut in pieces 2 or 3 slices of ham also 2 large onions  then press into incisions with the back of a fork as much as it will hold , skewer & tie with a thick string into a round  fillet  fry it  a little brown in butter a small piece of butter is enough.
Place the meat in a saucepan , boil some water in the frying pan & without throwing away the butter  pour over the meat.      Let it boil in 2 hours or more till tender.
When dished up season meat with pepper & salt & when sufficiently cooked make thickening with flour & a little Worcester sauce to flavor.   1 thick carrot   cut in slices & 3 cloves to flavor but taken out when dished up.                           (Copied  August 1900)       

213. To garnish a dish of cutlet etc. - Endive puree
Remove outside leaves from 2 heads of endive   wash well , cut each in four   plunge the pieces into fast boiling water (salted) ; boil for 25 minutes  drain refresh them with a douche of cold water , & after pressing all moisture from them  turn them on a board & chip as small as possible .   Melt 2 ounces of butter in stewpan , put in chopped endives dust over with salt & pinch of powdered mace & stir without stopping over moderate fire until it has absorbed the butter ; next moisten with a little cream , good white sauce or milk    stir till well mixed & fairly thick consistency & arrange the puree round cutlet.

214. Celere - au jno? & a' la Creme
1) Take 2 heads of celery   cut off the hard stalks , cut them six inches long   scrape the roots nicely   cut them in two , wash carefully & plunge in boiling water & salt for 10 mins.  Put one ounce of butter in stewpan on gentle fire   When melted put in a tea spoonful of flour , stirring all the time till it becomes slightly brown , then pour by degrees 1/2 a tumbler of good hot stock , keep on stirring  , then add pepper & salt & put in it your celery .  Leave it to simmer till quite tender nearly 1/2 hour .  Add a little meat gravy.
2) Blanche as before . put an oz of butter in stewpan   When melted add tea spoon of flour , but keep it white .  Then put in 1/2 a tumbler of hot milk  new milk  by degrees with salt & white pepper   when it boils add celery & simmer gently till tender .  Just before dishing add 1 or 2 dessert spoonfuls of cream mxxx (torn corner).

215. Lobster Cutlets (1902)
1 Hen lobster , 1 oz butter , 1/2 oz of flour , 1 gill of milk or cream , 2 eggs , pepper salt & cayenne.
Take out all the meat - crush it   pass it through a wire sieve .  Melt butter in a small stewpan , add the flour smoothly , then milk seasoning & meat & one or two eggs . care must be taken not to make too thin , else it will be difficult to shape into cutlets .
Turn the mixture on to a plate to cool .  Then form into cutlets & fry in boiling fat after having dipped them in egg bread crumbs & floured them.                   1902

The End of the Recipes , Remedies Etc.

Please see my other blogs which relate to research done at Seaford Museum.
relating to Eastbourne photographer Ellis Kelsey.

Please also see my companion blog to 'Dry Plate to Colour' which concentrates on the Early Colour Systems such as Autochrome and Paget Process which were introduced in 1907 and 1913 respectively. I show many images by Ellis Kelsey not previously seen. Please see link:

about four soldiers who trained in Seaford and Eastbourne during WW1

and  Notes on Sussex Ornithology by the Vicar of East Blatchington for the period 1846 to 1869.

Also a record of two trips made by road from London to Seaford in 1877  Link:

and research into a shipwreck near Seaford Head from the 1860's Link:

Also to: which includes the story of the 1795 riots and executions and also the story of the forming of the Rifle Brigade.  

Seaford Museum is run entirely by volunteers and is funded by its members and day visitors. Please
take a look using the following link:   

Many thanks for reading this blog. You may copy the written content freely on condition that both myself, "Brendon Franks", and "Seaford Museum" are credited if any part is re-published.

Ben Franks  
